Which of the following slowed Hinduism from becoming a universalizing religion?

How did Roman landowners in Gaul respond to the threat of peasant revolts and barbarian invasions?


Multiple Choice

For what purpose did Constantine summon bishops to the Council of Nicaea?


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Which of the following events weakened both Persia and Rome, making them easier prey for Arab armies in the seventh century?


Multiple Choice

Which of the following was Emperor Justinian's most enduring legacy?

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Which of the following statements concerning Christian churches built after the conversion of Constantine indicates the structure of the religion?

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For the Byzantine Empire, which of the following was a negative impact of trade connections to the east?

Multiple Choice

The Sogdians were responsible for which of the following achievements?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following slowed Hinduism from becoming a universalizing religion?

Multiple Choice

What replaced the political unity provided by imperial Rome after its collapse in western Europe?

Multiple Choice

The so-called barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire in the late fourth and fifth centuries CE were, in actuality, what?

Multiple Choice

The status of Nestorian Christians in the Sasanian Empire exemplified which of the following?

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What was the Hagia Sophia's symbolic importance?

Multiple Choice

Which effect of climate change weakened the Byzantine Empire?

Multiple Choice

Which two faiths in particular aspired to universality in the period between 300 and 600 CE?

Multiple Choice

What notion, perhaps derived from China, spurred Attila to attempt to conquer much of Eurasia?

Multiple Choice

What issue brought Christians into a Mediterranean-wide debate on the nature of religion?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following was a major difference between Mahayana and Hinayana Theravada) Buddhism?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following factors inhibited religions from becoming universalizing religions?

Multiple Choice

The growth of early Christianity coincided with the appearance of what central figures in matters of faith?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following was a major cause of the Roman Empire's fall in the west?

Multiple Choice

Why did universalizing religions fail to arise in sub Saharan Africa and Mesoamerica?

Why did universalizing religions fail to arise in sub-Saharan Africa or Mesoamerica? It was so difficult for ideas, people, or institutions to circulate broadly because of geographic barriers.

How did Hinduism develop as a religion quizlet?

The traditions Hinduism rose from were of the Dravidian culture (still prevalent among the Tamils in southern India today), and from the Vedic religion of the Aryans. The Aryans invaded northwest India from about 1500 BC on and brought a religion based on oral text known as Vedas, which are, for Hindus, eternal truth.

Which of the following are the three largest universalizing religions quizlet?

The three universalizing religions with the largest numbers of adherents are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. Hinduism is the ethnic religion with the largest number of adherents.

What was the Hagia Sophia's symbolic importance?

Hagia Sophia is a symbol of harmony, peace and tolerance in Turkey. It is an important symbol in Istanbul because it is a meeting point of the world's religions. The walls of Hagia Sophia represent a blend between Islamic arts and symbols of Christianity. Hagia Sophia was a Church, a Mosque and today it's a museum.

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