Which of the following is a factor to consider in situational audience analysis gender?

b.audience’s attitude toward you.c.physical setting for your speech.d.education of your audience.e.gender of your audience.38.According to your textbook, what are the three primary factors to considerwhen assessing an audience’s disposition toward a speech topic?106TEST BANK FORTHE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING

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39.Dimitri plans to give a speech to his classmates about the principles ofphysics behind the design of hybrid automobiles. The most important factorfor Dimitri to consider when analyzing his audience is probably itsa.age.b.group membership.c.attitude toward the speaker.d.knowledge about the topic.e.size.

40.If you were giving an informative speech to your public speaking class aboutrecent developments in planetary astronomy, the most important factor toconsider when analyzing your audience would probably be its

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41.Fran Breit, the golf pro at a local municipal course, has been asked by asocial club to give a talk about how to play golf. What is probably the mostimportant factor for Fran to consider in preparing her presentation?

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71. Which of the following is a factor to consider in situational audience analysis?a. genderb. group membership* c. attitude toward the topicd. all of the abovee. a and c only

72. As explained in your textbook, audience analysis usually builds on the demographic analysis.

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73. As the size of your audience increases, your presentation should usually become more

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74. The will usually dictate how long a speech should be.

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d. general purposee. topic75. Which of the following elements usually has the greatest impact on the length a speech shouldbe?a. the audience’s disposition toward the topicb. the physical setting for the speechc. the audience’s attitudes toward the speaker* d. the occasion for the speeche. the group membership of the audience

76. According to your textbook, what are the three primary factors to consider when assessing anaudience’s disposition toward a speech topic?

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77. If you were giving a persuasive speech to a general audience on the subject of mandatoryretirement, the most important factor to consider when analyzing your audience would probably be its

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e. education.78. If you were giving a persuasive speech on Medicare to members of the American Association ofRetired Persons (AARP), the most important factor to consider when analyzing your audience wouldprobably be the

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79. Ramona is preparing a persuasive speech on environmental issues to present to members of theNational Wildlife Federation. The most important factor Ramona should consider when analyzing heraudience is probably itsa. age.* b. group membership.c. education.d. ethnic background.e. knowledge of the topic.

80. Dimitri plans to give a speech to his classmates about the principles of physics behind the designof hybrid automobiles. The most important factor for Dimitri to consider when analyzing his audience isprobably its

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Which of the following is a factor to consider in situation audience analysis?

Audience analysis that focuses on situational factors such as the size of the audience, the physical setting, and the disposition of the audience toward the topic, the speaker, and the occasion.

Which of the following is a factor in situational audience analysis quizlet?

What are the five factors to consider in situational audience analysis? the size of the audience. the physical setting in which the speech occurs. the audience's disposition toward the topic.

Which of the following are important factors in audience analysis?

11. One of the ways speakers analyze audiences is by looking at traits such as age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, group membership, and racial, ethnic and cultural background.

What is situational analysis in audience analysis?

Situational Analysis The situational audience analysis can be divided into two main questions: How many people came to hear my speech and why are they here? What events, concerns, and needs motivated them to come? What is their interest level, and what else might be competing for their attention?


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