Which of the following functions is performed at the national conventions quizlet?

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The structure of each political party's national organization includes four major elements, _____.

the national convention, the national committee, the national chairperson, and the congressional campaign committees
the national convention, the national chairperson, the state central committees, and the congressional campaign committees
state party organizations, the state central committees, the national chairperson, and the national committee
wards, precincts, state central committees, and the national convention
the presidential candidate, the state party chairpersons, the congressional campaign committees, and the delegates

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Terms in this set (55)

_____ in his Farewell Address said that the "spirit of party . . . agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection."
a. George Washington
b. John Adams
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. Andrew Jackson
e. Daniel Webster

George Washington

Which of the following statements is true of the history of American political parties?

Two major political factions were formed in America even before the Constitution was ratified.

Which of the following parties argued against ratification of the Constitution?

The Anti-Federalist Party

The Federalists supported a strong central government that would:

encourage the development of commerce and manufacturing.

Jeffersonian Republicans believed that the nation's welfare would be best served if:

its states had more power than the central government.

_____ is a process in which the popular support for and relative strength of the political parties shift and the parties are reestablished with different coalitions of supporters.


In the context of the second realignment in American history, the Democrats appealed to:

small farmers.

As the Whigs and Democrats competed for the White House throughout the 1840s and 1850s, which of the following was the common aspect between the groups?
a. Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to favor rural development.
b. Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to prevent child labor.
c. Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to favor women empowerment.
d. Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to avoid the issue of immigration.
e. Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to avoid the issue of slavery.

Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to avoid the issue of slavery.

By the mid-1850s, the Whig coalition had fallen apart, and most northern Whigs were absorbed into the new _____, which opposed the extension of slavery into new territories.

Republican Party

Which of the following American political parties picked up the nickname "grand old party?"

The Republican Party

In the 1890s, the Democrats allied themselves with the Populist movement, which consisted largely of:

indebted farmers in the West and South.

In the 1890s, the Populists-the People's Party-advocated _____ as a way of lessening the indebted farmers' debts.


Which of the following instances of the 1930s was referred to as the New Deal?

Franklin D. Roosevelt's programs to fight the Depression

Beginning with the presidential elections of 2000, the term "blue state" has been used to describe a state in the U.S. whose citizens primarily vote for _____.
a. the Democratic Party
b. the Republican Party
c. the Green Party
d. the Libertarian Party
e. independent candidates

the Democratic Party

Beginning with the presidential elections of 2000, the term "red state" has been used to describe a state in the U.S. whose citizens primarily vote for _____.

the Republican Party

Which of the following demonstrates the belief that compromise with the other party in the legislature is a form of betrayal?

The minority party should not attempt to improve legislation proposed by the majority.

After the 2010 elections, many of the new Republican members of Congress were pledged to the Tea Party:

philosophy of no-compromise conservatism.

The growing detachment of voters from both major political parties is known as _____.


Which of the following is a potential cause of tipping?

Voter migration between states

Which of the following functions of political parties helps simplify voting choices for the electorate?

Narrowing the field of candidates contesting for public office

Which of the following statements is true of the functions of political parties?

Political parties act as the major institutions through which the executive and legislative branches cooperate with each other.

How do political parties balance the competing interests of the members?

By adopting a view broad enough to encompass the opinions of all the party members

The party in the electorate consists:

of all the people who describe themselves as Democrats or Republicans.

Party identifiers are:

those people who identify themselves as being members of a political party.

Between elections, candidates depend on active party members to:

organize fund-raisers.

Larry, an ex-serviceman, has joined the Republican Party because he believes that the party shares his opinion about a strong national defense. Larry has most likely joined the party _____.

for solidarity incentives

Clara, a resident of Vanadia, supports the UND party. The UND party promotes employment for all, without any racial discrimination. Clara is a firm believer in the party's ideologies and actively promotes its principles. This best reflects _____ for joining a party.

solidarity incentives

In the context of how American political parties are actually structured, identify an accurate statement about the structure of American political parties.

The party structure is fragmented and decentralized.

Which of the following statements is true of state organizations?

The central committee of a state party organization works to raise funds and recruit new party members.

The structure of each political party's national organization includes four major elements, _____.

the national convention, the national committee, the national chairperson, and the congressional campaign committees

Which of the following is a similarity between the national convention and the national committee?

Both are elements of the national party organization.

Which of the following functions is performed at the national conventions?

Writing a party platform

The _____ consists of the political party leaders who direct party business during the four years between the national party conventions, organize the next national convention, and plan how to support the party's candidate in the next presidential election.

national party committee

Adler, a resident of Ohio, has been elected as a delegate to a national party committee. As a member, his responsibilities will most likely include:

planning how to ensure a party victory in the next presidential election

In the context of the American political parties, the party in government helps to organize the government's agenda by:

coaxing and convincing its own party members in office to vote for its policies.

The United States has a two-party system. This means that:

the two major parties-the Democrats and the Republicans-dominate national politics

Clara and George, two political science graduates, are discussing the political system of the U.S. Clara holds that the two-party system is unlikely to experience any changes in the near future. However, George believes that America will soon follow the multiparty system. Which of the following statements, if true, supports Clara's view?

The structure of many U.S. institutions prevents third parties from enjoying electoral success.

Which of the following statements is true of the procedure of voting for governors in the majority of U.S. states?

It takes place on a statewide, winner-take-all basis.

A single-member district:

is where voters elect one member from their district to the House of Representatives and to their state legislature.

Which of the following statements is true of nonpartisan elections?

Party identification never appears on the ballot.

Which of the following third parties was founded in 1901 and disbanded in 1972?
Socialist Party

The Socialist Party

The Free Soil Party organized in 1848 to oppose the expansion of slavery into the western territories is an example of a(n) _____ party.


A party known as Women-Centric was formed with the vision of highlighting the need for increase in women employment. This initiative was taken when the ratio of men to women employment saw a massive decrease in the country of Kuranata. This form of third party is referred to as:

an issue-oriented party.

The Green Party, an issue-oriented party, did not fade into history because:

it broadened its scope beyond just a single area of concern.

People's Choice, a political party, believes that the economy of the U.S. would improve if the market philosophy shifts from that of capitalism to a socialist approach. The goal of production should be to satisfy human needs, rather than to gain profits. The party's primary agenda is to push for this change. People's Choice is a(n) _____ party.


Splinter parties that develop out of a split within a major party are also known as _____ parties.


The Neutral Party, a major political party nominates Kevin Strauss for the presidential elections. David King, another strong contender for the post, splits from the Neutral Party and forms the Blue Party to promote his candidacy. The Blue Party best exemplifies a(n):

personality party.

What is most likely to happen when the leader around whom a splinter party is formed steps aside?

The party will collapse.

Why are third parties referred to as the unsung heroes of American politics?

They bring new issues to the forefront of public debate.

Liason, a third party, has split the vote in a recent state election. As a result, the major party, which was supposed to win, loses and the other major party wins. In this scenario, Liason plays the _____ role.


After Thomas Jefferson won the presidency and his party won control of Congress, the _________ never returned to power and became the first American political party to go out of existence.

none of these choices

The election of 1932 brought Franklin D. Roosevelt to the presidency and the _________ back to power at the national level.


_________ are party members who help to organize and oversee party functions and planning during and between campaigns, and may even become candidates for office.
a. Party activists
b. Party identifiers
c. Party supporters
d. Lobbyists
e. All of these choices

Party activists

In the context of politics, _________ is a system of rewarding the party faithful and workers with government jobs or contracts.


The Bull Moose Party is an example of a(n) _________ party.


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What happens at the national convention quizlet?

The National Party Convention is said to have 3 main functions: 1) To choose the presidential candidate. 2) To choose the vice-presidential candidate. 3) To decide on the party platform.

What is the most important function of the National Convention quizlet?

The purpose of the party's national convention is to choose a party's delegates for the general election though a combination of presidential primary elections and caucuses.

What is the purpose of a national convention?

After the primaries and caucuses, each major party, Democrat and Republican, holds a national convention to select a Presidential nominee. The party's Presidential nominee announces his or her choice for Vice President.

Which activity occurs at a party's national convention?

The formal purpose of such a convention is to select the party's nominee for popular election as President, as well as to adopt a statement of party principles and goals known as the party platform and adopt the rules for the party's activities, including the presidential nominating process for the next election cycle.


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