Which of the following best describes the electoral system in the United States quizlet?

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  • Why are Texas Republicans considered in divided moment quizlet?
  • In which decade did Republicans gain control of all major statewide elected offices in Texas?
  • Which is the most important function of parties in Texas quizlet?
  • What is the definition of a political party quizlet?

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Terms in this set (51)

When did the cattle industry become big business in Texas?

after the U.S. Civil War.

What were the individuals responsible for writing the various constitutions for the state of Texas concerned about?

granting broad discretionary power to state officeholders to achieve their goals.

According to Texas's voter identification law, voters must show __________ to be able to vote.

a valid government-issued picture ID

By granting each state equal representation in the Senate, the U.S. Constitution

was trying to protect states' rights.

The 1869 Supreme Court case Texas v. White resolved which constitutional issue?

whether states can secede from the United States

What is an example of cooperative federalism?

the federal government partnering with state and local authorities during emergencies.

Which level of government provides regulations for birth, death, marriage, and divorce?

state governments

Military bases have been an important source of economic development in Texas since

the annexation of Texas by the United States.

Today, the Republican Party in Texas mostly represents __________, while the Democratic Party in Texas mostly represents __________.

suburban, exurban, and rural areas; urban areas

Over time, the influence of minorities, women and gays has diminished the effect of __________ in Texas.


What is provincialism?

a narrow, limited, and self-interested view of the world often associated with rural values and notions of limited goverment

Who led the Grange and Populist movements of the late nineteenth century?

tenant farmers

By the early twenty-first century...

most Texans lived in urban areas.

In the late nineteenth century, Dallas was able to grow into a major city because of which industry?


The percentage of the population living under the poverty line in Texas...

tends to be higher than that of the United States as a whole.

Which new transportation system developed in the 1950s and 1960s fundamentally changed how Texans travel and where they live?

Interstate Highway System

According to Article 15 of the Texas Constitution...

the House and Senate (and the courts) can decide what constitutes an impeachable offense.

What does Article 4 in the Texas Constitution create?

a plural executive, in which executive powers are divided between six different offices.

What was the first federal constitution under which Texas operated?

Mexican Constitution of 1824

The constitution that replaced the Texas Constitution of 1845 called for Texas to...

secede from the Union (The Constitution of 1861)

Article 8 of the Texas Constitution deals with taxation and revenue. If a personal income tax were to be adopted, what does this article require?

Registered voters in the state must approve of a personal income tax.

The Constitution of 1876 was a reaction to the Reconstruction Constitution of 1869 because the 1869 constitution

was seen as giving the governor too much power.

The current Texas constitution was written

when Reconstruction ended in the 1870s.

The people who wrote the Constitution of 1876 wanted to return control of government to "the people," by which they meant all...

adult white male citizens of Texas.

What is guaranteed under the Texas Constitution?

a public education system

Which statement about the Texas Bill of Rights is accurate?

It guarantees some rights that are not found in the U.S. Bill of Rights.

The Texas constitution includes all the following elements EXCEPT

a necessary and proper clause.

The Texas Constitution provides for a state legislature with more members in the __________ than in the __________.

House; Senate

Block grant programs

give states federal money and also considerable discretion in how those funds are spent.

Categorical grants are often used with which type of federalism?

cooperative federalism.

In order to limit the power of the federal government, Governor Abbott has..

recommended nine amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Under __________ federalism, the national government pressures state governments to take on a certain policy by using mandates or funding.


If Congress passes a law requiring states to install wheelchair-accessible elevators in public buildings but does not provide funding for the associated costs of doing so, Congress has passed what is known as a(n)

unfunded mandate

Both the federal and state governments are ___?


If a Texas community wishes to incorporate and establish a local government, it must request approval from...

the state legislature.

Under dual federalism...

the national government's role is limited to providing for national defense, foreign policy, and supporting commerce.

Democrats becoming more liberal and Republicans becoming more conservative is called ______?

partisan polarization

Which statement best describes Republicans in the Texas legislature from 1927-1951?

Republicans didn't exist in the state legislature, occupying no seats in either chamber.

How does an individual become a precinct chair?

He or she is elected in the party's primary election.

How often do the Democratic and Republican parties in Texas hold state conventions?

every other year

In Texas, the parties in the legislature are considered to be _____________ compared to the national government.

relatively weak

What can be said about Republicans winning state elections in Texas, since the late twentieth century?

Republicans dominate state offices

The Republican Party in Texas today is split between __________ and __________.

religious social conservatives; economic conservatives

Who are "Blue Dog Democrats"?

conservative Democrats located primarily in the southern United States

By the mid-1940s, there was a split between liberals and conservatives in the Democratic Party focusing on...

the New Deal and policies concerning civil rights.

Most Texas Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are...

either African American or Latino.

What do state conventions certify?

nominees of the party for statewide office.

What is the main role of the precinct convention?

to select delegates for the county convention.

Voter turnout in _____________ elections are the highest among all types of elections.


The Texas Constitution provides for a state legislature with more members in the __________ than in the __________.

House; Senate

The Texas Constitution provides for a state legislature with more members in the __________ than in the __________.

House; Senate

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Why are Texas Republicans considered in divided moment quizlet?

Why are Texas Republicans considered to be in a "divided moment"? because pro-business Republicans have dominated state politics in recent years, and the Tea party movement has begun to influence state legislature races as well as major statewide races.

In which decade did Republicans gain control of all major statewide elected offices in Texas?

For about a hundred years, from after Reconstruction until the 1990s, the Democratic Party dominated Texas politics. In a reversal of alignments, since the late 1960s the Republican Party has grown more prominent. By the 1990s, it became the state's dominant political party and remains so to this day.

Which is the most important function of parties in Texas quizlet?

1. The most important function of parties in Texas is that they provide a label under which candidates may run and with which voters may identify. 2. The party label becomes the standard used in casting a ballot for a candidate.

What is the definition of a political party quizlet?

A political party is defined as an organised group of people with at least roughly similar political aims and opinions, that seeks to influence public policy by getting its candidates elected to public office.

Which of the following best describes the American electoral system quizlet?

Which of the following best describes the American electoral system? A winner-take-all, or plurality, system. Which of the following best describes what happens during "wave elections"?

What kind of electoral system does the United States have quizlet?

Single-member district, winner-take-all electoral system - the system of election used in the United States in all national and state elections and in most local elections; officials are elected from districts that are served by only one legislator, and a candidate must win a plurality--the most votes.

What is an electoral system quizlet?

electoral system. a set of laws that regulate electoral competition between candidates or parties or both.

Which of the following best describes how Electoral College votes are allocated quizlet?

Which of the following best describes how Electoral College votes are allocated? The number of votes a state has is based upon their Congressional representation.


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