Which blood gas result will the nurse expect to observe in a patient with respiratory alkalosis quizlet?

occurs with hypoventilation and build up of CO2

* high CO2 (more than 45) in the body and low pH (<7.35)

*occurs in situations like aspiration of a foreign object, atelectstasis, diaphragmatic paralysis, OD on sedative, sleep apnea syndrome, severe PNA

* disease that impair respiratory muscle like MG, GBS, muscular dystrophy

* renal compensatory mechanism kicks in to conserve HCO3 to increase pH.

* treat underlying cause
* adequate hydration 2/3L day

-Blood pressure, heart rate, and rhythm
-Intake and output, urine volume, and color
-Skin assessment for edema and turgor

To assess for FVE the nurse measures blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, and breath sounds; inspects the skin to look for edema and turgor; and inspects neck veins. Intake and output, daily weight, urine volume and color, dyspnea, and thirst are assessments that will assist the nurse in identifying improvement or worsening of the fluid volume excess. In addition, the nurse will be able to identify potential fluid volume deficit from overtreatment of the fluid volume excess.

Extreme anxiety

Extreme anxiety may lead to respiratory alkalosis by causing hyperventilation, which results in excessive carbon dioxide (CO2) loss. Other conditions that may set the stage for respiratory alkalosis include fever, heart failure, injury to the brain's respiratory center, overventilation with a mechanical ventilator, pulmonary embolism, and early salicylate intoxication. Type 1 diabetes may lead to diabetic ketoacidosis; the deep, rapid respirations occurring in this disorder (Kussmaul's respirations) don't cause excessive CO2 loss. Myasthenia gravis and opioid overdose suppress the respiratory drive, causing CO2 retention, not CO2 loss; this may lead to respiratory acidosis, not alkalosis.

-Assessing for symptoms of nausea and malaise
-Monitoring neurologic status
-Restricting tap water intake

For patients at risk, the nurse closely laboratory values (i.e., sodium) and be alert for GI manifestations such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramping. The nurse must be alert for central nervous system changes, such as lethargy, confusion, muscle twitching, and seizures. Neurologic signs are associated with very low sodium levels that have fallen rapidly because of fluid overloading. For a patient with abnormal losses of sodium who can consume a general diet, the nurse encourages foods and fluids with high sodium content to control hyponatremia. For example, broth made with one beef cube contains approximately 900 mg of sodium; 8 oz of tomato juice contains approximately 700 mg of sodium. If the primary problem is water retention, it is safer to restrict fluid intake than to administer sodium.


Calcium deficit is associated with the following symptoms: numbness and tingling of the fingers, toes, and circumoral region; positive Trousseau's sign and Chvostek's sign; seizures, carpopedal spasms, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, irritability, bronchospasm, anxiety, impaired clotting time, decreased prothrombin, diarrhea, and hypotension. Electrocardiogram findings associated with hypocalcemia include prolonged QT interval and lengthened ST.

muscle weakness.

Muscle weakness, bradycardia, nausea, diarrhea, and paresthesia of the hands, feet, tongue, and face are findings associated with hyperkalemia, which is transient and results from transient hypoaldosteronism when the adenoma is removed. Tremors, diaphoresis, and constipation aren't seen in hyperkalemia.

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Which symptoms may indicate respiratory alkalosis in a patient?

Symptoms of respiratory alkalosis may include muscle spasms, irritability, dizziness, and nausea..
chest pain..
muscle stiffness..
numbness around the mouth..

Which ABG results are expected with respiratory acidosis quizlet?

The ABG results for respiratory acidosis are pH less than 7.35 and PaCO2 greater than 45 mm Hg. If compensated, then the HCO3- is greater than 26 mEq/L.

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During metabolic acidosis, respiration increases to expel carbon dioxide from the blood and decrease [H] in order to raise the pH level.

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Common electrolyte imbalances include hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hypochloremia, and hypophosphatemia. Acid-base imbalances, either acidemia or alkalemia, occur as a result of the addition of acid and depletion of alkali reserve, or the loss of acid with a relative increase in alkali reserve.


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