Which action by the nurse would be appropriate when making an unoccupied bed?

Bed making is a necessary skill for nursing assistants to keep the environment clean, prevent skin breakdown and the spread of infection, and respect the resident’s dignity by providing an orderly environment. Linens should be changed at least weekly or whenever they become soiled.

Loosen the top bedding from the foot of the bed and remove it. If possible, have the patient hold the bath blanket while you pull the top covers from under it from the foot of the bed.

  • Move the mattress to the head of the bed.
  • Move the patient to the distal side of the bed.
  • Make the bed on one side.

Move or turn the patient to the clean side of the bed, and finish making the bed on the opposite side. Place the clean linen on top, and remove the bath blanket.

  • Attach the patient’s signal cord within reach.
  • Provide for the patient’s safety and comfort.
  • Tidy the room.

Anesthetic, Surgical, or Post-Op Bed.

This is a bed that is prepared to receive a patient from the operating room.

Gather all needed supplies:

  • Large sheets (2).
  • Drawsheet (1) or an additional large sheet.
  • Blanket.
  • Pillow(s).
  • Pillowcase(s).
  • Towel.
  • Chux ®, if drainage is anticipated.

Make the bed as though you are making an unoccupied bed, except that the top sheet and blanket are not tucked under the mattress at the foot of the bed, and the corners are not mitered.

  • Fanfold the top covers to the side or to the foot of the bed.
  • Place a towel or disposable pad (Chux ®) at the head of the bed. This is intended to protect the sheet if the patient should vomit.
  • It is a good idea to place a drawsheet on the bed because it can be used to move the patient more easily.
  • Place the pillow(s) on a chair near the bed or in an upright position at the head of the bed.

Leave the bed in the high position.

Lock the brakes on the bed.

Move the furniture away from the bed to allow for easier access to the bed for the recovery room stretcher and personnel.

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Objectives of Making an Unoccupied Bed
  1. To meet the patient’s need by providing a safe comfortable bed.
  2. For neatness and tidiness.
Principles of Bedmaking: (Techniques vary but principles are the same).
  1. Have everything ready on hand before starting.
  2. Remember that the bed is made for use, for durability and comfort and that it should have a finished appearance.
  3. Place all linen on perfectly straight line on the bed, otherwise , it would be impossible to make bed tight and free from wrinkles.
  4. All comes should look neat, smooth and firm.
  5. Throughout the procedure, the nurse should study her movements so as to avoid waste of time and energy
  6. When finished inspect the bed and see if it measures to the highest standard of health and comfort of the patient economy of time, effort and materials and smooth finished appearance

Note: Do not use torn linen and in private rooms avoid stained linen.

Equipments Needed:
  • 2 large sheets
  • Rubber sheet
  • Draw sheet
  • Pillow case
  • Bath towel & wash cloth
  • Pillow & mosquito net p.r.n
  • Additional for private rooms
  • Woolen blanket top sheet
  • Extra pillow with pillow case
  • Hand towel
  • Bedspread or coverlet
  1. Gather all equipment and place at the bedside table and arrange them in the order of their use.
  2. Get bottom sheet and spread it lengthwise on mattress with the center fold at center of bed, with right side up and with narrow them even with foot of mattress. Tuck the head part and miter the corner nearest to you by bring the side of the sheet at night angle to the side of the mattress. Then tuck from the head part making a boxlike appearance going down to the foot part.
  3. Place the rubber sheet 15 to 18 inches from the edge of the mattress. Put the draw sheet over the rubber sheet giving an allowance of one inch longer than the rubber sheet at the head part and luck both together.
  4. Place the top sheet with the wrong side up wider harm at the head part in line with the upper edge of the mattress and with the centerfold along the middle of the bed. Tuck the foot part and miter the corner. Leave the side free.
  5. Go to the other side of the bed.
  6. Full the bottom sheets firmly, tuck at head part miter the corner and tuck the sides working towards the foot.
  7. Adjust the rubber sheet and draw sheet, pull them firmly and tuck them in separately.
  8. Tuck top sheet at food part and miter the corner. Leave side free. Fold back top part about 14 inches.
  9. Put the pillowcase and lay pillow flat on bed with the open and of case away from the main door.
  10. In the private room fold down the top sheet 18 inches away from the head part of the bed. Place a bedspread on top.
  11. Hang the bath towel, hand towel and washcloth on rack
  12. Straighten bed, bedside table and replace chair

  1. Wash hands before proceeding.
  2. All beddings must be clean.
  3. Protect mattress, pillows and rubber sheets from getting in contact with patient’s body.
  4. Avoid contact of beddings with floor and other patient’s Unit.
  5. Remove each piece of linen separately so that valuables will not be accidentally discarded.
  1. Make under-bedding smooth, tight and securely tucked in.
  2. Place upper bedding high enough to cover patients shoulder comfortably.
  3. Secure to bedding at foot so that it will stay in well and be loose over the feet.
Resources: (time, energy and materials)
  1. Bring all equipment to bed at one time.
  2. Remove all used equipment at one time.
  3. Avoid unnecessary trips around the bed by placing each piece on bed before going to far aide of bed.
  4. Sure accurate movements will make it unnecessary to pat and straighten linen.
  1. Smooth tight bed with well-made corners.
  2. Smooth flat pillows with cases evenly fitted.
  3. Keep unit orderly during procedure.
  4. Check unit for standard equipment and see that patient’s personal effects are in good order.
  5. Place hand bell or signal cord within easy reach of patient.
Video Procedure


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When making an unoccupied bed you should?

In the private room fold down the top sheet 18 inches away from the head part of the bed. Place a bedspread on top. Hang the bath towel, hand towel and washcloth on rack. Straighten bed, bedside table and replace chair.

Which is the first step when making an unoccupied bed?

Procedure/steps Place bottom sheet evenly on the bed. Tuck the sheets under the mattress using enveloped carners, starting from top. Pull sheet tight so that there are no creases. Place a draw mackintosh (if necessary) across the bed with the upper corner under the edge of the pillow.

In which order should the steps be when the nurse is making an unoccupied bed quizlet?

gather necessary linens in the order to be used..
wash your hands and put on gloves if needed..
identify and greet resident..
explain what you are going to do..
raise bed to high position; lower bed rails. ... .
remove pillow and strip pillowcase..
strip bed and place soiled linen in linen container..


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