When preparing a direct materials budget, the required purchases of raw materials in units equals:

6.6. Direct Material Budget

When the level of production has been computed, a direct material budget should be constructed to show how much material will be required for production and how much material must be purchased to meet this production requirement.

The purchase will depend on both expected usage of materials and inventory levels. The formula for computation of the purchase is:

Purchase in units = Usage + Desired ending material inventory units − Beginning inventory units

The direct material budget is usually accompanied by a computation of expected cash payments for materials.

Schedule 3

Table 6.3. THE PUTNAM COMPANY Sales Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 20BQuarter 1234Year as a Whole
Units to be produced (Sch.2) 980 1,820 1,920 1,380 6,100
Material needs per unit (lbs)[] × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
Production needs (usage) 1,960 3,640 3,840 2,760 12,200
Desired ending inventory of materials[] 910 960 690 520[] 520
Total needs 2,870 4,600 4,530 3,280 12,720
Less: Beginning inventory of materials 490[] 910[] 960 690 490
Materials to be purchased 2,380 3,690 3,570 2,590 12,230
Unit pricey[] × $5 × $5 × $5 × $5 × $5
Purchase cost $11,900 $18,450 $17,850 $12,950 $61,150

[] Given.

[] 25 percent of the next quarter's units needed for production. For example, the 2nd-quarter production needs are 3,640 lbs. Therefore, the desired ending inventory for the 1st quarter would be 25% × 3,640 lbs. = 910 lbs. Also note: 490 lbs = 25% × 1,960 = 490 lbs.

[] Assume that the budgeted production needs in lbs. for the 1st quarter of 20C ...

Developing budgets is an important routine for most businesses. It helps business owners identify cash flow and expenses while taking into account income and revenue. 

There are many different kinds of budgets businesses may rely on including a master budget, a financial budget, a cash flow budget and the direct materials purchases budget. This is a budget needed by any business that makes its own inventory. 

Before we look at how to calculate and come up with one, it's important to know what a direct materials purchase budget is. 

What Is a Direct Materials Purchases Budget?

A direct materials purchases budget calculates how much material is required for purchase to satisfy the production budget. This is calculated for each period of production — usually monthly or quarterly. 

Because the direct materials budget can be a significant portion of all costs — both direct and indirect — you should make sure you prepare the budget carefully to ensure your company is successful. If you're careless with the preparation of your budget or if you don't calculate it properly, it can lead you to overestimate or underestimate your costs. Either mistake can lead to serious cash-flow problems.

How to Calculate the Direct Materials Purchases Budget

To calculate your direct materials purchases budget, you'll need the following information — which we'll use in a real-life example below: 

  • Your production level: This can be found in your production budget.
  • Beginning direct materials inventory: You'll find this in the production budget of the most recent period that was completed. 
  • Ending direct materials inventory: This will ensure you have enough materials for the next production period. 
  • Direct materials that go into production.
  • Cost of direct materials.

Real Life Example Background Information

Let's use the materials budget for ArtCraft Pottery — a small pottery business — as our example. We can use the following information to develop a direct materials purchases budget:

The budgeted units of pottery are to be produced in each of the following four quarters:

  • Q1: 1,060
  • Q2: 1,260
  • Q3: 1,600
  • Q4: 1,800 

In the ArtCraft Pottery example, plain pottery is $3 per unit and the material used to color the pottery — here abbreviated to "color" — is $0.20 per ounce. On a per-unit basis, the factory needs one pound of clay and five ounces of color to produce the final piece.

ArtCraft Pottery's policy is to have 10% of the following quarter's production needs in ending inventory. This policy changes your material needs because this 10% ending inventory must be taken into account in the budget. The factory has 58 pounds of clay and 390 ounces of color on hand on January 1. At the end of the year, the desired ending inventory is 106 pounds of clay and 530 ounces of color.

Ending Inventory for Clay and Color for Q2 and Q3

The first step in preparing the direct materials budget is to use the information above to calculate the ending inventory of clay and color for quarters 2 and 3. The second step is to prepare the direct materials purchases budget for both clay and color.

  • Ending Inventory clay, Q2 = 0.10 (1,600 units X 1 unit clay) = 160
  • Ending Inventory clay, Q3 = 0.10 (1,800 units X 1 unit clay) = 190
  • Ending Inventory color, Q2 = 0.10 (1,600 units X 5 ounces) = 800
  • Ending Inventory color, Q3 = 0.10 (1,800 units X 5 ounces) = 900

You now have the units of each component to manufacture the pottery you need. You can see, however, if a product was more complicated and needed a lot of different raw materials, this calculation would be massive. In this simple example, we have the information to calculate the direct materials purchases budgets, which is presented below in table form. 

ArtCraft Pottery Direct Material Purchases Budget*

The following table was developed from two simple accounting equations you may be familiar with:

1. Raw Materials Required for Production + Ending Inventory = Total Raw Materials Required
2. Total Raw Materials Required - Beginning Raw Materials Inventory = Raw Materials to Be Purchased

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Year
Units to be Produced 1,060 1,260 1,600 1,800 5,720
Direct Materials Per Unit x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
Production Needs 1,060 1,260 1,600 1,800 5,720
Desired Ending Inventory 126 160 180 106 542
Total Needs 1,186 1,420 1,780 1,906 6,292
Less: Beginning Inventory (58) (126) (160) (180) (524)
Direct Materials to be Purchased 1,128 1,294 1,620 1,726 5,768
Cost of clay x$3 x$3 x$3 x$3 x$3
Total Purchase Cost of Clay $3,384 $3,882 $4,860 $5.178 $17,304

*Table Developed Compliments of Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting, 3rd ed.

The Bottom Line

A direct materials budget is an important budgeting tool for businesses that make their own inventory. Drafting one will help you determine how much material is required to satisfy the production budget. But you must be sure you prepare it carefully with precise calculations. Failure to do so will result in overestimating or underestimating your costs. 

How do you calculate the amount of raw materials purchased in the direct material budget?

The formula for computation of the purchase is: Purchase in units = Usage + Desired ending material inventory units − Beginning inventory units. The direct material budget is usually accompanied by a computation of expected cash payments for materials.

What is raw materials purchases budget?

Materials purchase budget will tell the estimated amount which you will spend on buying of raw material which is used in production. Because, it is big amount, so you should forecast it in advance by using simple accounting techniques.

How do you calculate the total quantity of direct materials to purchase in a direct materials budget chegg?

Total direct material needed is the result of multiplication of product target, and required direct material per unit. Total materials to purchase, is computed by adding desired closing inventory, and subtracting opening inventory from the total direct materials needed.

What must be prepared before the direct materials budget?

Production budget. The managers must prepare production budget first so that the can prepare prepare a direct materials purchases budget.


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