When one is placed in a situation and confronted by the choice of what act to perform?

Ethics came from the Greek work ___, which means?

Ethos meaning customs, characteristics, or habitual way of doing things.

The term ___ is expressed in various ways of understanding and examining the moral life of the person.

The Latin word ___ or ___ (and its plural ___)from which the adjective moral is derived is equivalent to ETHOS.

Mos, Moris, and its plural form mores

It is but a survey of patterns of behavior that is done by the human being in general or a society in particular.

It is generally speaking is about matters such as the good thing that we should pursue and the bad thing that we should avoid; the right ways in w/c we could or should act and the wrong ways of acting. It is about what is acceptable and unacceptable in human behavior.

It is a study of what are good and bad ends to pursue in life and what it is right and wrong to do in the conduct of life it is therefore above all a practical discipline.

Its primary aim is to determine how one ought to live and what actions one ought to do in the conduct of one's life.

Our first point of clarification is to recognize that there are instances when we DO NOT make value judgments that are not considered to be part of ethics.

Our second point of clarification is on the use of the words “ethics” and “morals”. This discussion of ethics and morals would INCLUDES cognates such as ethical, unethical, immoral, amoral, morality, and so on.

The term ___ may be used to refer to specific beliefs or attitudes that people have or to describe acts that people perform.

It is sometimes said that an individual’s personal conduct.

The term ___ can be spoken of as the discipline of studying and understanding ideal human behavior and ideal ways of thinking.

Ethics is acknowledge as an intellectual discipline belonging to ___.

The word Philosophy comes from the Greek words? and translates to what?

- Philia: Love - Sophia: Wisdom - Love of Wisdom

What are the branches of Philosophy that is related to ethics? MEA

- Metaphysics - Epistemology - Axiology

It is a branch of Philosophy that wonders as to what constitutes the whole of reality.

It is a branch of Philosophy that asks is what our basis for determining what we know.

It is a branch of Philosophy that refers broadly to the study of value of beauty, ethics, w/c concerns, itself with the value of human actions.

What are the approaches to ethics?

Normative and Non-Normative Aproach

It is an approach of Ethics wherein is an evaluative one, it is a way of generating and formulating principles, rules, standards that will guide human conduct or action.

What are the other disciplines under Normative Approach?

- General Normative Ethics -Applied Ethics

It is an approach of Ethics wherein it is a non-evaluative one. It simply considers by knowing what it is and describes certain actions, practices and events. It does not expressed by categorizing that is right or that is wrong, rather it simply expressed what is the action and the way an action was done.

It is situation that calls for moral valuation. Used to refer to those particular situations that are often the source of considerable and inconclusive debate.

It is when one is placed in a situation and confronted by the choice of what act to perform.

It is when a person is an observer who makes an assessment on the actions or behavior of someone.

It is the more complicated situation wherein one is torn between choosing one of two good or bad choosing between the lesser of two evils.

What are the Seven stages for the Model of Moral Decision Making? GDWLCWM

- Gather the Facts - Determine the Ethical Issues - What Ethical Principles have a Bearing on the Case? - List the Alternatives - Compare the Alternatives with the Principles - Weight the Consequences - Make a Decision

It is a step for moral decision making wherein frequently ethical dilemmas can be resolved simply by clarifying the facts of the case in question.

It is a step for moral decision making wherein the ethical issues are stated in terms of competing interests or goods. The issues should be presented in a ______versus _________ format in order to reflect the interests that are colliding in a particular ethical dilemma.

Determine the Ethical Issues

It is a step for moral decision making wherein business ethics, there is often a conflict between the right of a firm to make profit and its obligation to the community.

Determine the Ethical Issues

It is a step for moral decision making wherein any ethical dilemma, there are certain moral values or principles that are central to the conflicting positions being taken.

What Ethical Principles have Bearing on the Case?

It is a part of the moral decision making wherein part of the creative thinking involved in resolving an ethical dilemma involves coming up with various alternative courses of action.

It is a part of the moral decision making wherein the more alternatives that are listed, the better the chance that your list will include some high-quality ones. In addition, you may come up with some very creative alternative that you had not considered before.

It is a part of the moral decision making wherein at this point, the task is one of eliminating alternatives according to the moral principles that have a bearing on the case.

Compare the Alternatives with the Principles

It is a part of the Moral Decision making wherein the purpose of this comparison is to see if there is a clear decision that can be made without further deliberations.

Compare the Alternatives with the Principles

It is a part of the Moral Decision making process wherein If the principles do not yield a clear decision, then a consideration of the consequences of the remaining available alternatives is in order.

It is a part of the Moral Decision making process wherein Both positive and negative consequences are to be considered. They should be informally weighed, since some positive consequences are more detrimental than others.

It is a part of the Moral Decision making process wherein Deliberations cannot go on forever. At some point, a decision must be made. Realize that one common element in ethical dilemmas is that there are no easy and painless solutions tot hem.

What are the Sources of Authority? LRC

- Law - Religion - Culture

What is ethically acceptable or unacceptable is relative to, or that is to say, dependent on one’s culture. This position is referred to as ___.

What are the Senses of the Self? SPE

- Subjectivism - Psychological Egoism - Ethical Egoism

One of the Sense of the Self wherein is the recognition that the individual thinking person is at the heart of all moral valuations.

From this point, ___ leaps to the more radical claim that the individual is the sole determinant of what is morally good or bad, right or wrong.

These statements refer to what type of Sense of the Self? “No one can tell me what is right and wrong”.  “No one knows my situation better than myself”.  “I am entitled to my own opinion”.  “It is good if I say that it is good”.

One of the Senses of the Self wherein states “Human beings are naturally self-centered, so all our action are always already motivated by self-interest.”

One of the Senses of the Self wherein its the theory that describes the underlying dynamic behind all human actions. The ego or self has its desires and interest, and all our actions are geared toward satisfying these interests.

What are the Strong points that Psychological Egoism has?

Simplicity and Plausibility

One of the Senses of the Self wherein it does not suppose all our actions are already inevitably self-serving. Instead, it prescribes that we should make our own  ends, our own interest, as the single overriding concern.

Who created the Six stages of Moral Development?

Where did Lawrence Kolberg grew or based out his thinking of?

What are the levels of the Stages of Moral Development?

- Pre-Conventional Level - Conventional Level
- Post Conventional Level

What are the stages that is included in the Pre-Conventional Level?

- Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience - Stage 2: Individual and Instrumental Exchange

What are the stages that is under the Conventional level?

- Stage 3: Mutual and Interpersonal Conformity - Stage 4: Law and Order

What are the stages under the Post-conventional level?

- Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights - Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it is characterized by a view that right action is to behave according to social acceptable norms imposed by some authority figure to avoid punishment.

Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it takes an egocentric point of view, a person at this stage does not consider the interests of others and does not relate two points of view. Actions were justified in terms of physical  consequence rather in terms psychological interests of others.

Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it Right is a literal obedience to rules and authority, avoiding punishment, and not doing physical harm.

Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it is characterized by a view that right behavior means acting in one’s own best interests.

Stage 2: Individual and Instrumental Exchange

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein Right is acting to meet one’s interests and needs and letting others do the same. Right is also what is fair, that is, what is an equal exchange, a deal, an agreement.

Stage 2: Individual and Instrumental Exchange

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein this stage takes a concrete individualistic perspective. The person integrates or relates conflicting individual interests to one another through instrumental exchange of service, need for others and other’s goodwill.

Stage 2: Individual and Instrumental Exchange.

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it is Characterized by an attitude which one seeks to do that will gain the approval of others.

Stage 3: Mutual and Interpersonal Conformity.

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein It sees what is right is living up according to the expectations by people that are close to them, like the  family, community. Being good and having good behavior  means having good motives and interpersonal feelings such as empathy, love, trust, concern.

Stage 3: Mutual and Interpersonal Conformity

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein This stage takes the perspective of the individual in relationship to other individuals. Thus, a person in this stage is aware of the shared feelings, agreement and expectations that take primacy over the individual interests.

Stage 3: Mutual and Interpersonal Conformity

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it Is characterized by abiding the law and respecting authority and performing one’s duty so that social order is maintained.

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein What is right is fulfilling one’s own duty to which one had agreed. The reasons for doing what is right are to keep the institutions going as a whole.

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein This stage differentiates societal point of view from interpersonal agreement or motives. A person at this stage takes the viewpoint of the system, which defines roles and rules, individual relations in terms of one’s own place in the system.

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it Is characterized by thinking about a society in a very theoretical way, stepping back from their own established society and considering the rights and values of the society ought to uphold.

Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein the right is the awareness of the fact that people hold a variety of values and opinion that most values and rules are relative to one’s group. The reason for doing what is right, is in  general, feeling obligated to obey the law, because one has made a social contract to make and abide by laws for the good of all and to protect their own rights and the rights of others. 

Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein This stage takes a ‘prior-to-society’ perspective. It means that individuals are aware of the values and rights prior to social attachment and contract. The person integrates perspective by formal mechanism of agreement, contract, objective impartiality and due process.

Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein it Is characterized by an attitude of respect for universal principle and the demands of individual conscience.

Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein The right action on this stage is guided by universal ethical principles, particularly law, social agreement are usually valid because it is anchored to principles. When law perhaps violates the universal principle one is often acts in accordance with the principle. The principle of equality, justice, respect and others. These are not only values but regarded as principle that is of used in order to generate decisions

Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles

It is one of the stages of Moral Development wherein This stage takes the perspective that a person takes a stand in view of moral principle from which social agreement are derived on which they are grounded

Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles

It is a level of Moral development wherein individuals do not yet speak as members of society, instead they see morality as something external to themselves. SELF-INTEREST

It is a level of Moral development wherein it speaks on isolated individuals rather than as members of the society. It sees individual exchanging favors, but there is still no identification with the values of the family/community.

It is a level of Moral development wherein moral decisions are generated from the rights, values or principles that are or that could be agreeable to all individuals composing or creating a society designed to have fair and beneficial practices.

What level of Moral Development is where only 25% of the population only makes it to this level?

When a person is an observer who makes an assessment on the actions or Behaviour of someone *?

- Moral Judgment - When a person is an observer who makes an assessment on the actions or behavior of someone. - Moral Dilemma - the more complicated situation wherein one is torn between choosing one of two good or bad choosing between the lesser of two evils.

When a person is torn between choosing one of the two goods or choosing between the lesser of two evils what is it called?

The lesser of two evils principle, also referred to as the lesser evil principle and lesser-evilism, is the principle that when faced with selecting from two immoral options, the least immoral one should be chosen.

What do you call a situation where the decision

In a real dilemma, the choice is between a wrong and another, roughly equal wrong. The latter are situations in which the decision-maker has a moral duty to act in one way but is tempted or pressured to act in another way. In a false dilemma, the choice is actually between a right and a wrong.

What would you do when faced with a difficult moral choice?

How to Act and React to an Ethical Dilemma.
Repeat Back and Clarify. ... .
Ask Ethical Questions. ... .
Focus on your Manager's Best Interests. ... .
Suggest an Alternative Solution. ... .
Escalate Situations. ... .
Blow the whistle. ... .
Leave Unethical Environments, If Necessary..


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