What term describes groups of people who collaborate with one another to accomplish a shared task across space time and organization boundaries using technology?

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    The benefits of voice mail include eliminating unnecessary chit chat, telephone tag, inaccurate messages, and A)time zone barriers. B)the need for written messages. C)the necessity of a cordial, friendly greeting. D)prompt responses.

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Which statement about professionalism is accurate?

Professionalism describes desirable workplace behavior.

A synonym for professionalism is

Professional behavior is comprised of six dimensions, including courtesy and respect, appearance and appeal, tolerance and tact, honesty and ethics, reliability and responsibility, and

diligence and collegiality

Which of the following statements about professionalism in the workplace is accurate?

More organizations are establishing procedures or policies to encourage professionalism.

Stephen is starting a new job and wants to demonstrate that he is a professional employee. What advice should he follow?

Keep personal opinions of people private.

Richard wants to prove that he is diligent and collegial. What is the best advice you can give him?

Show a willingness to share his expertise with others.

How do recruiters and employers view the importance of professional behavior in the workplace?

Employers will often promote or advance individuals who display appropriate communication skills and professional polish.

Jue understands that soft skills and professional polish will ensure her long-term success on the job. Which of the following is not a soft skill?

Proficiency in using a variety of computer software packages


Which of the following statements about face-to-face communication is accurate?

Face-to-face interaction is the most effective of all communication channels.

Saying words correctly and clearly with the accepted sounds and syllables reflects

Alec, hoping for a promotion, wants to improve his pronunciation skills so that he's able to say words correctly and clearly with accepted sounds and accented syllables. Which of the following is the best advice for Alec?

Listen carefully to educated people.

Which of the following statements is accurate?

You can learn to change your voice to make it more powerful.

The best definition of uptalk is

a rising inflection at the end of a sentence that makes statements sound like questions.

To use your voice effectively,

speak in a moderately low-pitched voice at about 125 words per minute.

LaTarsha's coworker has told her that LaTarsha is more likely to be promoted if she speaks effectively in conversations. Which of the following is a good tip for LaTarsha?

Give sincere and specific praise to managers, colleagues, and workers.

Which of the following is the best advice regarding small talk in the workplace?

Read newspapers and listen to the radio and TV so that you can discuss current events intelligently.

A coworker has justly criticized you for poor performance at work. If you agree quickly with this on-target criticism,

others will more likely respect you.

You are in a meeting receiving your performance review and are surprised that your supervisor has offered you many suggestions for improvement. How should you react to the criticism?

Ask for clarification of comments when necessary.

You recently chaired a team implementing new federal confidentiality requirements. After implementation, you must evaluate each team member's performance. Which of the following suggestions about giving constructive criticism is not accurate?

To show more compassion, be as vague as possible.

Which of the following statement best provides constructive criticism?

Producing inferior work often causes this company to lose time and money.

Which of the following is the best advice when making business telephone calls?

Before you make a call, ask yourself if it's necessary.

Marsha has limited time and must call Charlie for answers to several questions. Which of the following is the best example of a brisk and professional approach?

Charlie, I have only a few minutes, but I knew you were the one with answers to my questions.

Which of the following demonstrates the best example when answering a telephone call?

Thanks for calling Precision Integrations. This is Beth Dittmer. How may I help you today?

Which of the following is the best advice to follow when receiving telephone calls for others?

Verify telephone numbers and spelling of names when taking messages.

Which of the following is the best example of a response when answering calls for others?

Annette is away from her desk, but I will give her your message when she returns.

Melinda uses a cell phone for all her business communications. What advice should she follow?

Which of the following statements about using cell phones for business is most accurate?

Be careful about using your cell phone to discuss private or confidential company information.

The benefits of voice mail include eliminating unnecessary chit chat, telephone tag, inaccurate messages, and

Shawn needs to record his business voicemail outgoing message. Which of the following outgoing messages is most professional?

Hi! You have reached the voice mail of Shawn Berg of Juarez Accounting. I am currently away from my phone but will return by 2 p.m. Please call back then. Thank you for calling.

Leticia has called a client and gotten his voice mail. What is the best advice you can give Leticia for leaving a message?

Smile when leaving her message to add warmth to her voice.

Which of the following statements about workplace teams is most accurate?

Team members who are involved in the decision-making process show less resistance to change.

What term describes groups of people who work interdependently with a shared purpose across space, time, and organization boundaries using technology?

The most effective groups have members who

offer information and try out their ideas on the group to stimulate discussion.

The most successful workplace teams

have small number of members

What is the optimum number of participants for most group projects?

Which of the following would probably best help a group achieve its goal?

Which of the following statements about meetings is most accurate?

As businesses become more team-oriented, people are attending more meetings than ever.

What is your first task before holding a meeting?

Which statement about group conflict is accurate?

Good groups acknowledge conflict and address the root of the problem openly.

Tao has just volunteered to participate in a work team that will explore the establishment of an employee exercise facility. Which of the following behaviors should he practice?

Remind group members of their task if they periodically get off track.

When the purpose of your meeting is to solve a problem, what is the recommended number of meeting participants?

A meeting agenda should include the date and place of the meeting, start and end times, a brief description of each topic with its time allotment, and

any premeeting preparation expected of participants.

Which of the following is the best practice for a group when it begins a meeting?

Antonia is leading her first professional business meeting and wants to follow professional meeting etiquette. Which of the following is the best tip for Antonia?

End the meeting on time, even if the group hasn't discussed all agenda items.

Lucas will attend his first sales meeting and wants to follow proper meeting etiquette. Which of the following should he do to make a good impression?

Leave the room only for breaks and emergencies.

How should a group leader keep a meeting progressing effectively?

Discourage members who monopolize the discussion.

Which of the following statements about meetings is not accurate?

Meetings should start on time unless someone important is late.

Which of the following statements about managing workplace conflict is most accurate?

Conflict in the workplace can be desirable

Team leaders can handle difficult group members during a meeting by

assigning a task to the disruptive person.

Which of the following should occur at the end of a meeting?

The leader should provide a summary of accomplishments and a review of action items

t/f: Many businesses have established protocol procedures or policies to encourage civility.

t/f: Hard skills refer to a whole cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes (for example, optimism and friendliness), communication skills, and social graces.

t/f: Technical fields such as accounting and finance don't emphasize soft skills.

t/f: Because today's technologies provide many alternate communication channels, face-to-face communication is no longer important in business and professional transactions.

t/f: You are unable to change your voice.


Your vocal quality sends only verbal messages.

t/f: Speakers should avoid "uptalk" in the workplace because it makes them appear weak and tentative.

t/f: Rate refers to the pace of your speech.

t/f: When conversing with others, always address them by their first names.


Attending work-related social functions can harm your career if you dress inappropriately or choose controversial conversation topics; therefore, it is best to avoid these functions.

t/f: If you receive constructive criticism on the job, you should focus on your feelings as much as possible.

t/f: If another person has criticized you unfairly, you should disagree respectfully and constructively.

t/f: When you deliver constructive criticism, you should use the word "we" instead of "you" to avoid sounding accusatory.

t/f: You should deliver most constructive criticism in writing rather than in person.

t/f: E-mail has made telephone use obsolete in the corporate world.


When placing a business telephone call, immediately name the person you are calling, identify yourself and your affiliation, and give a brief explanation of your reason for calling.

t/f: You should identify the extension when transferring a call.

t/f: Some places are inappropriate or even dangerous for cell phone use.

t/f: To make your outgoing voice mail message more professional, use the computer-generated voice that comes with most systems.

t/f: Because of the increased focus on individualism, teams have become less important in today's business environment.

t/f: Decisions made by teams promote greater "buy-in" from group members.

t/f: Many organizations are using virtual teams to exchange ideas and make decisions


The most effective groups have members who are willing to establish rules and abide by those rules.

t/f: Withdrawing from a group is viewed as an effective technique to deal with group differences.


Groups with diverse members often produce the best decisions.


When confronting group conflict, focus on the person to make him or her feel important and heard.

t/f: Effective teams often have no formal leader.

t/f: Today's workers attend more meetings than ever.


No meeting should be called unless the topic is important, can't wait, and requires an exchange of ideas.

t/f: Emotional topics should be placed near the beginning of an agenda.

t/f: When preparing the location for business meetings, you can maximize collaboration by arranging the tables or chairs in straight rows.

t/f: Etiquette guidelines for business meetings indicate that both participants and leaders are responsible for sticking to the agenda and avoiding tangents.

t/f: Ground rules for a business meeting should be discussed only when a participant's behavior is harming the progress of the agenda.

t/f: It is appropriate for a meeting leader to move the meeting along by saying, "Thanks, Ivan, for your viewpoint, but please hold your next comment until we can hear what Shung Chai thinks of your idea."

t/f: When a conflict develops between two members, allow each to make a complete case before the group.

t/f: One way to handle dysfunctional group members during a meeting is to seat them next to the leader.


A meeting should be adjourned when the group has reached an impasse.

t/f: No one should leave a meeting without a full understanding of what was accomplished


Meeting minutes should be distributed within two weeks after the meeting or at least two days before the next meeting, whichever comes first.

t/f: It is the leader's responsibility to see that what was decided at the meeting is accomplished.

What term describes groups of people who collaborate with one another to accomplish a shared task across?

d. Honor his commitments and keep promises. What term describes groups of people who collaborate with one another to accomplish a shared task across space, time, and organizational boundaries using technology? Virtual teams. Stephen is starting a new job and wants to demonstrate that he is a professional employee.

How should a group leader keep a meeting progressing effectively quizlet?

How should a group leader keep a meeting progressing effectively? Discourage members who monopolize the discussion. Which of the following statements about the end of a meeting is most accurate? The leader should provide a summary of accomplishments and a review of action items.

What is the ideal number of participants for most groups?

Robert Sutton, a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford University, looked at the research on group size and concluded that the most productive meetings contain only five to eight people.

Which of the following is the best advice to follow when dealing with conflict in a team?

Which of the following is the best advice to follow when dealing with conflict in a team? Look for areas of mutual agreement.


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