What is the term for the process of swapping items between memory and storage quizlet?



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Terms in this set (48)


the operating system a computer uses

cross-platform application

an application that runs the same on multiple operating systems

warm boot

refers to the process of restarting a computer or mobile device while it remains powered on

cold boot

refers to the process of starting a computer or mobile device from a state when it is powered off completely

GUI (graphical user interface)

you interact with menus and visual images by touching, pointing, tapping, or clicking buttons and other objects to issue commands

sleep mode

saves any open documents and running apps to memory, turns off all unneeded functions and then places the computer in a low-power state

hibernate mode

saves any open documents and running programs or apps to an internal hard drive before removing power from the computer or device

memory resident

which means it remains in memory while the computer or mobile device is running


remain on a storage medium until they are needed, at which time they transfer to memory

command-line interface

a user types commands represented by short keywords or abbreviations or presses special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions

command language

the set of commands used to control actions

multitasking operating system

allows two or more programs or apps to reside in memory at the same time

single tasking operating system

allows only one program or app to run at a time


active program


program running but not in use

touch user interface

a graphical user interface designed for touch input

multiuser operating system

enables two or more users to run programs simultaneously

virtual memory

the operating system allocates a portion of a storage medium, to function as additional RAM

swap file

the area of the hard disk used for virtual memory because it swaps data, info, and instructions between memory and storage


the technique of swapping items between memory and storage


when an operating system spends much of its time paging, instead of executing application software


a segment of memory or storage in which items are placed while waiting to be transferred from input device to an output device


sends documents to be printed to a buffer instead of sending them immediately to the printer

print spooler

interprets documents to be printed from the operating system and places them in a queue


where multiple documents line up in the buffer


small program that tells the operating system, how to communicate with a specific device

performance monitor

the program that accesses and reports information about various computer resources and devices

automatic update

features that regularly provide new features or corrections to the program

network administrator

the person overseeing network operation, uses the server operating system to add and remove users, computers, and other devices to and from the network


define who can access certain resources and when they can access those resources


a private combination of characters associated with the user name that allows access to certain computers, mobile devices or network resources

device-dependant program

one that run only on a specific type or make of computer or mobile device

proprietary software

privately owned and limited to a specific vendor or computer or device model


runs on computers and mobile devices provided by a variety of manufacturers

upward compatibile

may or may not run on new versions of the operating system

backward compatible

they recognize and work with applications written for an earlier version of the operating system

desktop operating system

sometimes called a stand-alone operating system, is a complete operating system that works on desktops, laptops, and some tablets

client operating system

desktop operating systems are called this because they also work in conjunction with a server operating system


consists of tabs, groups, and commands that provide access to tasks

status bar

presents information about documents, progress of certain tasks, status of certain command and keys, and controls for viewing documents

charms bar

a toolbar that includes buttons that display menus for managing files, apps and program settings


a multitasking operating system developed in early 1970


a popular multitasking operating system that runs on a variety of personal computers, servers, and devices

Chrome OS

a Linux-based operating system designed to work primarily with web apps


a specialized laptop that runs Chrome OS

server operating system

a multiuser operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access ad share resources on a network


the practice of sharing or pooling computing resources, such as servers or storage devices


an open source, Linux-based mobile operating system designed by Google for smartphones and tablets

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What is it called when you swap items between memory and storage?

With memory swapping, the operating system makes use of storage disk space to provide the functional equivalent of memory storage execution space. The space on the storage device is referred to as “swap space” and is used to run processes that have been swapped out of main physical memory.

What is a swap file quizlet?

SWAP FILE. Temporary storage area on a hard drive where the operating system swaps out data or instruction from random access memory (ram) that haven't recently been when more ram space is needed.

Which of the following is a segment of memory or storage in which items are placed while waiting to be transferred from an input device or to an output device?

Buffer is a temporary storage area, usually a block in memory, in which items are placed while waiting to be transferred from an input device or to an output device.

Is data and instructions entered into the memory of a device?

Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as storage. Storage enables a computer to retain data, either temporarily or permanently. For example -RAM ,ROM ,Hardisk etc. 18-Sept-2020.


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