What is the term for the extent to which people base their Behaviour on cues from other people and situations?

MANA 3318


University of Texas at Arlington

The way in which factors such asskills, abilities, personalities, perceptions, attitudes, values, and ethicsdiffer from one individual to another.

Kurt Lewin's behavior idea

Behavior is a function of the person and the environment

The psychological approach tounderstanding human behavior that involves knowing something about the personand about the situation.

A relatively stable set ofcharacteristics that influence an individual's behavior   

Understand human behavior by breakingdown behavior patterns into observable traits - Big Five

D escribespersonality as a composite of an individual’s psychological processes – Locus ofcontrol – Self-efficacy – Self-esteem – Self-monitoring – Positive/negativeaffect

Openness to Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

Core Self-Evaluation (CSE)

A broad set of personality traits thathave particularly strong influences on individual behavior at work. • CSEconsists of  locus of control,self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, and emotional stability

An individual's generalized belief about internal control (self-control) vs external control (control by the situation or by others)

Anindividual's general belief that he or she is capable of meeting job demands ina wide variety of situations

Examples of sources ofself-efficacy

Priorexperiences and prior success Observingsuccess (behavior models) PersuasionAssessmentof current physical and emotional capabilities   

The extent to which people base theirbehavior on cues from other people and situations

An individual’s tendency to accentuatethe positive aspectsof oneself, other people, and the world in general

An individual’s tendency to accentuatethe negativeaspectsof oneself, other people, and the world in general

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

It helps understand individual differences by analyzing the combinations of preferences
– Based onCarl Jung’s theories (1940’s) – Peopleare fundamentally different – Peopleare fundamentally alike – Populationmade up of extraverted and introverted types.

The process of interpreting informationabout another person

Characteristics of the Perceiver 

Familiarity with target Attitudes/Mood Self-Concept Cognitive Structure

Characteristics of the Target 

Physical Appearance Verbal Communication Nonverbal cues Intentions

Characteristics of the Situation 

Social context Strength of situational cues Discounting principle

Barriers to social perception 

Stereotype First Impression Error Projection Selective perception Self-fulfilling prophecy Impression Management

• Theprocess by which individuals try to control the impression others have of them
– Namedropping – Appearance – Self-description – Flattery – Favors – Agreementwith opinion

Attribution in Organizations

Attribution theory explains how individuals
pinpoint the causes of their own and others’ behavior

Internal and External  attributions

Internal attributions:

  Attributing events to something withinthe individual’s control

External attributions:

  Attributing events to something outsidethe individual’s control

– Thetendency to attribute one’s own successes to internal causes and one’s failuresto external causes. – Thisenhances one’s self-esteem, confidence and ego – Example:A student makes an A on his/her exam…

Fundamental attribution error

– Thetendency to make attributions to internal causes when focusing on someoneelse’s behavior.Alsocalled actor-observer bias

the way in which factors such as skills, abilities, personalities, perceptions, attitudes, values, and ethics differ from one individual to another.

the psychological approach to understanding human behavior that involves knowing something about the person and about the situation.

a relatively stable set of characteristics that influence an individual's behavior. 

a personality theory that advocates breaking down behavior patterns into a understand human behavior. 

the broad theory that describes an individual's psychological processes. 

a situation that overwhelms the effects of individual personalities by providing strong cues for appropriate behavior. 

an individuals generalized belief about internal control (self control) versus external control ( control by the situation or by others).

an individual's general belief that he or she is capable of meeting job demands in a wide variety of situations. 

an individuals general feeling of self-worth. 

the extent to which people base their behavior on cues from other people and situations.

an individual's tendency to accentuate the positive aspects of herself or himself, other people, and the world in general. 

an individuals tendency to accentuate the negative aspects of himself or herself. other people, and the world in general. 

a personality test that elicits an individual's response to abstract stimuli. 

personality assessments that involve observing an individuals behavior in a controlled situation. 

self-report questionnaire

a common personality assessment that involves an individuals responses to a series of questions. 

myers-briggs type indicator ( MBTI) instrument

an instrument developed to measure a carl jung's theory on individual differences. 

begin energized by interaction with other people. 

being energized by spending time alone. 

gathering information through the five senses and focusing on what actually exists. 

gathering information through a "sixth sense" and focusing on what could be. 

making decisions in a logical, objective fashion. 

making decisions in a personal, value-oriented way. 

preferring closure and completion in making decisions. 

preferring to explore man alternatives with flexibility and spontaneity. 

the process of interpreting information about another person. 

the assumption that an individual's behavior is accounted for by the situation. 

the tendency to select information that supports out individual viewpoints while discounting information that threatens our viewpoints. 

a generalization about a group of people. 

forming lasting options about an individual based on initial perceptions. 

overestimating the number of people who share our own beliefs, values, and behaviors. 

allowing expectations about people to affect our interaction with them in such a way that those expectations are fulfilled. 

the process by which individuals try to control the impressions other have of them. 

four basic propositions of interactional psychology:

1. Behavior is a function of continuous multidirectional interaction between the person and the situation.
2. The person is active in the process, both changing his or her situations and being changed by them.
3.People vary in many characteristics, including cognitive, affective, motivational, and ability factors.
4. Two aspects of a situation are important: the objective view of the situation.

individual elements such as personality, perception, attribution, attitudes, emotions, and ethics. 

the situation consists of 

the environment the person operates in, including the organization,work group, personal life situation, job characteristics, and other environmental influences. 

General mental ability (GMA)

as a measure of an individual's innate cognitive intelligence. 

Personality traits are also relevant to cultural intelligence

which in the workplace, means how we adapt to cultural difference.

are the tendencies of an individual to respond to situations in consistent ways. 

Core self-evaluation (CSE) 

involves a broad et of personality traits that articulates an individuals's concept of himself or herself. 

Internal locus of control

people that believe they control what happens to them. (Internals)

External locus of control

where people believe that they cant control what happens to them. They are called externals.

Mulitphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

a comprehensive test assessing a variety of traits that can help diagnose serval neurotic or psychotic disorders. 

NEO personality inventory

measures the big five traits. 

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

another approach to applying personality theory in organizations is the jungian approach and it measurement tools. 

highlights the importance of perception. 

also affect social perception. 

an individuals pattern of thinking also affects social perception.

plays a big role in our perception of others. 

form a target affects our perception of him or her.

conveys a great deal of information about the target. 

of the target are inferred by the perceiver who observes the target's behavior.

strength of situational cues

also affects social perception.

also known as primacy effect. 

self-fulfilling procphecies

also know as Pygmalion effect

is a impression management technique that a person mentions someone else that they know in hope of improving one's image. 

is a impression management techniques that focus on the individual on whom one is trying to make an impression rather than n oneself. 

Which term refers to the assumption that an individual's behavior is accounted for by the situation?

The discounting principle in social perception refers to the assumption that an individual's behavior is accounted for by the situation.

Which type of situation is interpreted the same way by different individuals?

A strong situation is a situation that overwhelms the effects of individual personalities by providing strong cues for appropriate behavior. These situations are interpreted in the same way by different individuals, evoke agreement on the appropriate behavior in the situation, and provide cues to appropriate behavior.

What three major categories are part of the observation component of social perception?

Observations serve as the raw data of social perception—an interplay of three sources: persons, situations, and behavior. These sources are used as evidence in supporting a person's impression or inference about others.

When an individual is able to perceive multiple characteristics of another person rather than attend to just a few traits is a function of?

Cognitive complexity allows a person to perceive multiple characteristics of another person rather than attending to just a few traits.

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