What is the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree scale?





  • The elements of art is the building blocks or ingredients of art.

Line : A  mark made with lenght and direction made by a pointed tool.

Value: The lightness or darkness of a color.

Shape: A enclosed area defined and determined by other art elements.

Form : a 3-dimensional object.

Space:The distance or area between,around,above,below,or within.

Texture: The surface quality or feel of an object,its smoothness,roughness,softness, etc.Textures maybe actual or implied.


  • The principles of art are what we use to organize the elements of arts,or the tolls to make art.

Balance: the way the elements are   arranged to create a feling of stability in a work.

  • Symmetrical Balance: The parts of an image are organized so that one slide mirrors the other.
  • Assymmetrical Balance: when one side of a composition does not reflect the design of the other.

Emphasis : The focal point of an image,or when one area or thing stand out the most.

Contrast: A large difference between two things to create interest and tension.

Rhythm: A regular reputitionof elements to produce the look and feeel of movement.

Unity: when all the elements and principles work together to create a pleasing image.

Variety: The use of differences and change to increase the visual interest of the work.

Proportion: the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size, quantity,or degree;scale.

Published 04.10.2021 07:20 on the subject Music by homersoncanceranguiu

15. Scale K. The comparative relationship of one part to
another with respect to size, quantity, or
degree; SCALE.
L. created when a line becomes connected and
encloses space
M. It refers to the size of an object compared
to the rest of the surroundings.
N. refers to how well all the visual elements
work together in a work of art.
0. It gives the illusion or suggestion to your
paint to move
P. refers to the visual arrangement of
elements with a repetitive form or intelligible
Plesss po mga ate, kuya pakisagot po bukas na po pasa ng module namin plesss

Another question on Music

Published 24.10.2020 04:25 on the subject Art by kuanjunjunkuan

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What is the comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size quantity or degree?

Proportion – The comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size, quantity, or degree; Scale.

What is a comparative relationship?

In a comparative relationship, you use one or more of the following operators to compare match field values in the two related tables. The relationship returns related records when the comparison evaluates successfully according to the criteria you establish.

Which refers to relationship of one part to another?

Definition of proportion (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : harmonious relation of parts to each other or to the whole : balance, symmetry. 2a : proper or equal share each did her proportion of the work. b : quota, percentage. 3 : the relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quantity, or degree : ...

Is the relation of two things in size number amount or degree?

A ratio is the relationship in quantity or degree between two things: “The ratio of men to women on the construction site was ten to one.” This means there were ten men present and one woman. Use the word ratio when you want to make a comparison between two things. A ratio basically expresses a proportion.


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