What is a means of determining throughput capacity of workstations or an entire production system?

Capacity Analysis Definition and Explanation PDF | Download eBooks

Learn Capacity Analysis definition in supply chain management with explanation to study “What is Capacity Analysis”. Study capacity analysis explanation with SCM terms to review supply chain management course for online MBA programs.

  • A means of determining throughput capacity of workstations or an entire production system.

    Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management by Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson

Capacity Analysis Explanation:

The expression is additionally utilized in business figuring and data innovation as an equivalent word for limit the executives. IT scope quantification includes assessing the capacity, PC equipment, programming and association foundation assets required over some future timeframe. A typical worry of undertakings is whether the required assets are set up to deal with an expansion in clients or number of communications. Limit the board is worried about including focal preparing units (CPUs), memory and capacity to a physical or virtual server.

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Chapter 7: Capacity PlanningCapacity:maximum rate of output for a process. Number of units a facility can hold, receive, store orproduce in a period of time. Capacity plans on two levels:1.Long-term capacity plans2.Short-term capacity plansDesign Capacity: theoretical max output of a system in a given period under ideal conditions.Effective Capacity: capacity a firm can expect to achieve, given its product mix, methods of scheduling, maintenance and standards of quality. Often lower than design capacity. Measures of System Performance:1.Utilisation: actual output as a % of design capacity. 2.Efficiency: actual output as a % of effective capacity.Capacity Considerations: 4 considerations for a good capacity decision.1.Forecast demand accurately2.Match technology increments and sales volume – capacity options constrained by tech.3.Find optimum operating size (volume) – economies and diseconomies of scale dictate optimal facility size.4.Build for change – build flexibility into facilities and equipment.Managing DemandDemand Exceeds Capacity: firm can raise prices, schedule long lead times and discourage profitable business. long-term solution is to increase capacity.Capacity Exceeds Demand: stimulate demand through price reductions or aggressive marketing.Tactics for Matching Capacity to Demand:1.Staffing changes2.Adjusting equipment3.Improving processes4.Redesign products5.Add process flexibility6.Close facilitiesPeak capacity:Rated capacity: expected output sometimes referred to as rated capacityEconomies of scale:Diseconomies of scale:

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A means of determining throughput capacity of workstations or an entire production system.

Concept Prerequisite

Wikipedia Reference

Learning Material

Covered in Topic(s)

Capacity Planning

What is the time of the slowest workstation in a production system?

What is the time of the slowest workstation in a production system
bottleneck time
The objective of layout strategy is to
develop an effective and efficient layout that will meet the firm's competitive requirements
Free Flashcards about OSCM Test 2 - StudyStackwww.studystack.com › flashcard-2038489null

What is the time of the slowest workstation in a production system group of answer choices bottleneck time effective capacity throughput time utilization?

Answer: The bottleneck station is the slowest workstation in a production line, and therefore it limits the pace of the entire line.

What is the theoretical maximum output of a system in a given period under ideal conditions Part 2?

Terms in this set (29) Design capacity is the theoretical maximum output of a system in a given period under ideal conditions.

What is a means of determining the discounted value of a series of future cash receipts?

Net present value. a means of determining the discounted value of a series of future cash receipts.


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