What did Radical Republicans want from the South before allowing it States to rejoin the union Apex

Table of Contents

  • 1 What did Radical Republicans want from the southern states before they could rejoin?
  • 2 What did the radicals require states to do in order to be readmitted to the Union?
  • 3 Why did the South rejoin the Union?
  • 4 What did Radical Republicans accomplish?
  • 5 How did the Homestead Act help former slaves?

What did Radical Republicans want from the southern states before they could rejoin?

Radical Republicans wanted to give African-American men the right to vote. Under this bill, fifty percent of Southern voters would have to swear allegiance to the United States before a seceded state could form a new state government.

What did Radical Republicans want from the south before allowing it states to rejoin the Union answers?

They wanted the Southern States which had been part of the Confederacy during the Civil War to be forced to accept this before they were allowed to rejoin the United States and be part of the governing process again.

What did the southern states have to do before rejoining the Union?

Congress also passed two amendments to the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment made African-Americans citizens and protected citizens from discriminatory state laws. Southern states were required to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment before being readmitted to the union.

What did the radicals require states to do in order to be readmitted to the Union?

New state constitutions were required to provide for universal manhood suffrage (voting rights for all men) without regard to race. States were required to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment in order to be readmitted to the Union.

What did the radical Republicans do?

The Radical Republicans were a faction of American politicians within the Republican Party of the United States from around 1854 (before the American Civil War) until the end of Reconstruction in 1877. Radicals led efforts after the war to establish civil rights for former slaves and fully implement emancipation.

What did Radical Republicans want from the South before allowing its state to rejoin the Union apex?

What did Radical Republicans want from the South before allowing its states to rejoin the Union? Radical Republicans felt that in order for southern states to write new state constitutions they must: only allow people who had not fought against the Union to participate.

Why did the South rejoin the Union?

Abraham Lincoln wanted to be lenient to the South and make it easy for southern states to rejoin the Union. He said that any southerner who took an oath to the Union would be given a pardon. Under Lincoln’s plan, any state that was readmitted must make slavery illegal as part of their constitution.

What did radical reconstruction do?

Radical Reconstruction: A congressional plan for postwar recovery that imposed harsh standards on the Southern states and supported newly freed slaves (freedmen) in their pursuit of political, economic, and social opportunities.

How did radical reconstruction affect the South?

During Radical Reconstruction, which began with the passage of the Reconstruction Act of 1867, newly enfranchised Black people gained a voice in government for the first time in American history, winning election to southern state legislatures and even to the U.S. Congress.

What did Radical Republicans accomplish?

After the war, the Radicals demanded civil rights for freed slaves, including measures ensuring suffrage. They initiated the various Reconstruction Acts as well as the Fourteenth Amendment and limited political and voting rights for ex-Confederate civil officials and military officers.

What did former Confederate leaders gain power under Johnson’s plan for reconstruction?

What happened when former Confederate leaders gained power under Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction? They passed black codes to limit African Americans’ rights. Which law said that a president had to get permission to remove anyone appointed by a past president?

How was the federal government affected by reconstruction?

They couldn’t vote if their grandfather had not been allowed to vote. How was the federal government affected by the Reconstruction period? Its power to protect the rights of individuals increased.

How did the Homestead Act help former slaves?

They remained near the farms where they had been slaves. What did the Homestead Act help many former slaves to do? It helped them to own their own land for farming. What was a difference between new freedmen and African Americans in established communities?

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What did Radical Republicans want from Southern states before they could rejoin the Union apex?

These members of Congress, known as Radical Republicans, wanted to remake the South and punish the rebels. Radical Republicans insisted on harsh terms for the defeated Confederacy and protection for former slaves, going far beyond what the president proposed.

What did Radical Republicans want from the South before allowing it states to join the Union?

The Radical Republicans believed blacks were entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as whites. They also believed that the Confederate leaders should be punished for their roles in the Civil War.

What did Radical Republicans want from the southern?

Radical Republican, during and after the American Civil War, a member of the Republican Party committed to emancipation of the slaves and later to the equal treatment and enfranchisement of the freed blacks.

What did Radical Republicans want to do to the South after the war?

After the war, the Radicals demanded civil rights for freed slaves, including measures ensuring suffrage. They initiated the various Reconstruction Acts as well as the Fourteenth Amendment and limited political and voting rights for ex-Confederate civil officials and military officers.


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