What are some of the typical challenges project teams faces during each of the five process groups?

5. Inadequate skills of team members

A chain is as strong as its weakest link and in the case of project teams, performance highly depends on their individual skill levels. As a project manager, you can create the most ideal environment but if the team does not possess the necessary skills to tackle the problem at hand, your project is bound to fail. This is a huge project management problem that can only be solved with proper experience and foresight.

How to deal with it:

Effective project managers pre-determine the needed project management skills and competencies and assess the available workforce to determine whether t additional staff and skillsets are required or not.

An effective project initiation plan will deal with the needs of the project and the resources required to accomplish it. These resources include the human skill component as well. The project plan will further build upon the groundwork of the initiation document.

6. Inadequate risk management

Having the foresight to identify potential ‘what if’ scenarios and making up contingency plans is an important aspect of project management. Projects rarely go exactly as planned because there are so many variables that can create unlimited possibilities.

How to deal with it:

It is the job of every project manager to come up with alternate plans that the team may adopt if the project begins to spiral out of control. Having a project risk management system helps in identifying the types of risks and mitigating them. Having a contingency plan in place is critical. This plan should identify all risks that the course of action to be taken if they materialize it.

7. Lack of accountability

A project team performs really well when every member feels responsible and tries to fulfill the role assigned to them. Lack of accountability on the part of team members can sink an entire project.

How to deal with it:

Effective project managers assign responsibilities to team members and direct the team toward the common goal of successfully completing their project. Having a project tool that allows responsibilities to be assigned and tracked is key to fostering accountability. Additionally, having regular check-ins within the team also fosters accountability.

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The busyness of a project manager’s day-to-day business means problems are often brushed aside with the hope that they will just disappear – which they rarely do.

Be proactive instead. Address any issues and create a successful project team. Here we list some of the most common problems that project teams face. By confronting these – and therefore improving project outcomes – you can boost your own career, while working better together benefits everyone on the team.

1. Lack of trust

Trust is crucial to teamwork, and it starts with people knowing each other. Team members absolutely need to be acquainted, both professionally and personally, particularly in projects where tensions will run high at some point. Otherwise members won’t understand each other, they won’t want to engage because they haven’t made that human connection and they won’t fully trust each other.

2. Conflict and tension

Conflict or a difference of opinion can be healthy and, if carefully managed, can trigger useful debates. It can make people think differently, expanding knowledge and insight; innovation can happen and results flourish. Different opinions are not a bad thing. It’s how we handle the conflict that makes a difference. 

3. Not sharing information

Knowledge is not power – unless it’s shared. Project team members all bring a unique set of skills, knowledge, experience and wisdom to the table. Effective project teams fearlessly share regularly and generously for the benefit of everyone and for the benefit of the project’s success. This makes the capability of the whole team grow and gives the team more power. 

4. Low engagement 

Team engagement is crucial to business success. If engaged, team members on a given project will be interested in what they do, committed to the project mission and willing to go the extra mile. They are there in body as well as mentally and emotionally. The key to engagement is involvement – by involving others you make it impossible to stay detached. Get better engagement by harnessing people power.

5. Lack of transparency

Without transparency, trust will suffer – both within the project team and with the end client. Transparency is becoming the presumed norm in project and programme management and expectations are growing. It starts at the top: the more senior you are, the more responsibility you have to be a role model for this. Employees will follow the leader’s behaviours, good or bad. When this is done well it can have a positive cascade effect throughout the organisation.

6. No long-term thinking

Project managers have to get beyond day-to-day urgencies, see the big picture and consider how all parts of the project fit together. For a project team, this means being able to think beyond your own area, about how you fit into the wider change programme or project and how you impact the end client’s experience. This is about business sustainability and long-term success. Everyone is busy, but just being busy is not enough. Long-term project success requires long-term thinking.

7. Badly perceived, not delivering

A project team has a brand, an image and a reputation created by the actions and behaviours of the team members. A large part of the perception is driven by how well the team delivers on expectations and promises made. As a project team, you need to make sure that everyone understands and takes responsibility for their roles in creating the perception of the team. This includes both what is delivered on the project and how it is delivered.

8. Poor change management

Change is constant and unless carefully managed, it can be detrimental to teamwork and results. Change starts and ends with communication. Whenever you think you’ve communicated enough, you need to communicate some more – and it needs to be interactive: listen, talk and involve. Be aware of the change curve, or the four predictable stages of change: denial/resistance, emotional, hopeful, commitment. Each stage is needed, but how long someone stays at each stage can be managed and kept to a minimum.

9. Working in silos

Silo working is a reality for many project teams. Team members may sit side by side but not really work together. A great project team can be like the three musketeers – all for one and one for all. So if you are in a team, you may as well really be in it. Working together in earnest is about making the most of the fact that you are a team. Honour your time and efforts by seeing yourself as a full-time member of the team, not just an individual contributor. Imagine how great it would feel to be part of a team where everyone is thinking of the team and not just themselves – make that project a success by working together.

10. Not going in the same direction

To walk in the same direction, a team needs to know where it is going or what it is contributing to (vision) and why (purpose). Spend time on this with your team. This clarity provides a framework and ‘reason to be’ that can rally any given project team to work together. Keep in mind that visions need to be compelling and purposes meaningful. People respond to the importance of both. 

If you want to create a great project team, pay particular attention to behaviours. How we behave has an impact on others and affects how they behave. It’s when we change our behaviours that we can achieve transformational change.

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  • Why conflict might not (always) be a bad thing for your project team
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This blog first appeared in the Spring edition of Project Journal and is co-authored by Mandy Flint and Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, authors of Leading Teams - 10 Challenges: 10 Solutions.

What are some of the typical challenges project teams face?

By confronting these – and therefore improving project outcomes – you can boost your own career, while working better together benefits everyone on the team..
Lack of trust. ... .
Conflict and tension. ... .
Not sharing information. ... .
Low engagement. ... .
Lack of transparency. ... .
No long-term thinking. ... .
Badly perceived, not delivering..

What are some of the challenges associated with working in groups?

15 teamwork challenges and solutions.
Lack of clarity. ... .
Trust issues. ... .
Personality conflicts. ... .
Withholding information. ... .
Lack of communication. ... .
Reduced engagement. ... .
Excessive staff numbers. ... .
Interior competition..

What are at least five IT project management challenges?

What are common IT project management challenges and issues?.
Lack of clear communication with multiple suppliers and vendors. ... .
Speed of progress. ... .
Changing priorities. ... .
Changes to IT infrastructure. ... .
Complex dependencies between IT components. ... .
Large learning curves. ... .
Manage vendor expectations. ... .
Quickly pivot as required..

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