What action should the nurse implement with the family when an infant is born with?

37.The nurse is assessing a newborn who was precipitously atdeliver38weeksdgestation. The newborn is tremulous, tachycardic, and hypertensivessessment.Whichaction is most important for the nurse to implement?

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38.A new infant is receiving positive pressure ventilationrdelivery.afteBased onwhich assessment finding should the nurse initiate chest compressions?A.Apgar score 7B.Heart rate 54C.Limp muscle toneD.Central cyanosis

39.The nurse is scheduling a client with gestationalfor andiabetesamniocentesis becausethe fetus has an estimated weight of 8 pounds at 36- ationweeks. gestThis amniocentesisis being performed to obtain which information?

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40.Vaginal prostaglandin gel is used to induce laboroman whofor isa wat 42 weeksgestation. Thirty minutes after insertion of ientthe gel,complainstheclof vaginal warmth,and is experiencing 90 second contractions with ratefetaldecelerationshart. What actionshould the nurse implement first?

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The nurse is assessing the fetus during labor and notes recurrent variable decelerations

within minimal baseline variability. What is the priority nursing intervention for recurrent

variable decelerations within minimal baseline variability?

The priority nursing intervention for recurrent variable decelerations within minimal baseline

variability is turning mom to the side because that could help fix the problem of umbilical cord


A nurse is caring for a client who is considering use of a hormonal intrauterine system.

What information regarding the advantages of an intrauterine device should the nurse


The hormonal IUD can last for approximately 5 years and is more than 99% effective at

preventing pregnancy. Once put in, all you don’t need to do much other than checking the thread

if it is in place each month after your period. If at any time a woman wants to remove the device,

it can be taken out at an appointment with the trained doctor or nurse. When it’s removed, the

chances of getting pregnancy go back to normal.

A nurse is providing community education regarding risk factors for ovarian cancer.

Identify five risk factors associated with the development of ovarian cancer.

1. Being over 40 years old

2. Having a family history of ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer

3. First pregnancy after 35 years old

4. Being overweight or obese

5. Taking hormone therapy after menopause

What is the indication for taking tamoxifen?

It is indicated for treating metastatic breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ, and breast cancer


A nurse is administering oxytocin to a client in labor. What are symptoms of uterine

hyperstimulation warranted that warranted stopping the medication.

Symptoms of uterine hyperstimulation include single contractions that last 2 minutes of more, or

five or more contractions that are in a 10 minute period. There is also a decrease in the amount of

oxygen that reaches the fetus, and it results in fetal distress.

The nurse is teaching a group of pregnant clients about nutrition during pregnancy. What

nutrients need to be increased during pregnancy?

Key nutrients that need to be increased during pregnancy is iron, calcium, vitamin A, C, D,

vitamin B6 & B12, and folate (during the first 12 weeks)

The nurse is assessing a newborn infant 36 hours after birth and notices some swelling of

the infant ‘s head. Differentiate between Caput succedaneum and Cephalohematoma.

Caput succedaneum is edema of the scalp that crosses suture lines. Some causes include

prolonged/difficulty delivery and using a vacuum extraction. This does not need treatment and

the swelling will gradually dissipate in a matter of about three days. Cephalohematoma is a

collection of blood that does not cross the suture lines. Some causes include rupturing of the

Which nursing intervention best enhances maternal infant bonding?

Breastfeeding during the first postpartum hour is one of the best ways to promote maternal-newborn bonding (McLeod, 2009).

When assessing a newborn infant heart rate which technique is most important for the nurse to use?

[4] concluded that auscultation is superior to palpation, although neither technique provides an accurate assessment of current HR and both are intermittent. ECG remains the gold standard to continuously monitor an infant's HR in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) [4].

What is the best nursing action to implement when late decelerations occur quizlet?

When late decelerations occur, the nurse should: Give oxygen 8-10 L/min by facemask. The major objective of care for late decelerations is to increase maternal oxygen. +IV fluids are increased to increase placental perfusion, oxytocin drips are stopped, and then Patient is positioned to prevent supine hypotension.

Which nonpharmacologic interventions should the nurse implement to provide the most effective response in decreasing procedural pain in a neonate?

The use of non-pharmacological treatments such as, nonnutritive sucking, facilitated tucking, kangaroo care, swaddling and heel warming may all be beneficial in alleviating a neonate's pain.


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