Wer ist fidor bank

The cost of opening an account: From 590 EUR

The cost of opening an account:

From 590 EUR

General information

Official site



The Bank was founded in 2009 in Munich by such entrepreneur as Matthias Kroner at his own expense and has a full banking license (Vollbanklizenz), which gives the right to conduct the entire spectrum of financial transactions. The foregoing is the only similarity to classic banks. Strictly speaking, many clients of Fidor Bank are just user of online community created by him. Even their personal data are often unknown, only nicknames are available. However, this does not prevent them, for example, from conducting transactions peer-to-peer, contributing funds to virtual wallets of each other and providing profits to the bank. Fidor Bank (Germany) is a classic bank of the new generation. The Bank has no branches. All communication with clients is carried out via Internet. But the bank offers its clients the greatest opportunities for social interaction in the Internet. In addition to the clients’ community, there are online calculators, tools for comparing products on the website. Profiles of community members can be easily integrated with Facebook, Twitter, eBay and business social network Xing.


Website does not have an interface in Russian, only in German and English, respectively during registration it is required to enter your real data using Latin letters.


Terms of opening for admission (days):


Opening terms for cancellation (days):



Не требуется

Description of activity:


Account type:

Personal, corporate

Types of accounts:

Settlement, deposit

Departure to the bank:

Visiting the bank is not required

Account opening, probability:


Particularities during account opening:

No special


Limit of transfers (per month):

No restrictions

Transaction speed:

On the same day

Services and costs

Credit card restrictions:

No information

Access to the account:


Bank services:

In March 2010, the Bank launched its Fidor Cyberwallet, the so-called account FidorPay as the current account for private and business clients. Further, it offers a subrange of standardized retail banking services: deposit accounts, savings bonds, credit cards, investments in foreign currencies or precious metals, as well as loan offers. The range of corporate clients includes financial products, as well as corporate settlement account.

Bank cards:

Visa, Mastercard

Fidor Bank is a digital bank founded in Germany in 2009 in an effort to re-establish lost confidence in banking with new and customer-focused services, enabling its customers to actively participate in the bank’s decision-making processes. The bank’s current portfolio of products in Germany covers retail and business banking ranging from basic bank accounts and savings bonds,  to various lending offers. All are accessible from the same bank account. In Germany Fidor currently has around 100,000 clients and more than 300,000 community members.

Fidor is one of the world’s most innovative banks and has received several international awards for its disruptive, transparent approach to banking, its Fintech activity and innovative use of social media. Recently, Fidor Bank was awarded “Global Growth Company” by The World Economic Forum and Celent Banking Model of the year 2015.

Fidor Bank Overview

  • Founded
  • 2003

  • Status
  • Acquired/​Merged

  • Employees
  • 41

  • Latest Deal Type
  • Buyout/​LBO

  • (Cancelled)

  • Financing Rounds
  • 9

  • Investments
  • 2

Fidor Bank General Information


Provider of digital banking services intended for personal and business banking. The company's product portfolio covers the standardized private customer business, online savings bonds and investment options in foreign currencies or precious metals, various credit offers and card products.

Contact Information

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Fidor Bank Valuation & Funding

Deal TypeDateAmountValuation/

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Fidor Bank Comparisons



HQ Location


Total Raised

Post Valuation

Last Financing Details

Provider of digital banking services intended for personal and business banking. The company's product portfolio covers

Other Commercial Banks

Munich, Germany

41 As of 2014




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Fidor Bank Competitors (7)

Company NameFinancing StatusLocationEmployeesTotal RaisedLast Financing Date/TypeLast Financing Amount
Tandem Private Equity-Backed London, United Kingdom 000 00000 000000000000 00000
00000000 0000 Venture Capital-Backed London, United Kingdom 0000 00.000 00000000000
0000 Venture Capital-Backed Amsterdam, Netherlands 000 00000 00000000000 00000
000 Venture Capital-Backed Berlin, Germany 0000 00.000 00000000000 00.000
00000 Venture Capital-Backed London, United Kingdom 0000 00.00 0000000000 0 00.00

You’re viewing 5 of 7 competitors. Get the full list »

Fidor Bank Signals

Growth Rate

0.80% Weekly

Weekly Growth 0.80%, 93rd %

-35.5%. 530%

Size Multiple

219x Median

Size Multiple 219x, 100th %ile

0.00x 0.95x. 413Kx

Key Data Points

Twitter Followers


Similarweb Unique Visitors


Majestic Referring Domains


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Fidor Bank Former Investors

Investor NameInvestor TypeHoldingInvestor SinceParticipating RoundsContact Info

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Welche Bank steckt hinter fidor?

Darüber hinaus hat Fidor eine starke Marktposition bei der Bereitstellung von Zahlungs- und Transaktionsdienstleistungen für führende Zahlungsdienstleister und Spezialisten im Bereich Digitaler Assets. Muttergesellschaft und Alleingesellschafter der Bank ist die französische Groupe BPCE.

Wie sicher ist die Fidor Bank?

Zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt liegen uns 89 Fidor Bank Erfahrungen vor. Von den Bewertungen sind 43% positiv, 28% neutral und 29% negativ. Auf einer Sterne-Skala von 1 bis 5 ergibt das eine durchschnittliche Bewertung von 3,1/5 was als befriedigend eingestuft werden kann.

Was ist mit der Fidor Bank los?

Allem Anschein nach ging es BPCE zuletzt nur noch darum, die Fidor Bank irgendwie loszuwerden – entwickelt wurde die 2009 gestartete Direktbank, die einst in einem Atemzug mit N26 genannt wurde, nicht mehr wirklich. Geplant war für 2020 eigentlich ein Wachstum der Kundenzahl von 324.000 Kunden auf knapp 500.000 Kunden.

Warum kündigt die Fidor Bank mein Konto?

Eine andere Erklärung gibt es nicht: Die Fidorbank will sich von unprofitablen Kunden trennen und die Ausführung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben gerne anderen Banken, also ihrer Konkurrenz überlassen. Das ist hier gemeint, wenn von „geschäftspolitischer Entscheidung unseres Vorstands“ die Rede ist.


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