Was ist Woodstock für ein Tier?

How does Solarize save you money?

Through an agreement reached with Catamount Solar, they will reduce the price of the solar installation for everyone based on quantity of agreements. Through bulk sales Catamout can reduce their overhead costs and pass the savings down to the consumer. Working with the community volunteers helps raise more awareness about the program allowing Catamount to do what they do best, install solar arrays.  This again helps creates  more savings which are passed onto future solar homeowners!

Tiered Pricing System

The pricing for a solar installation is unique to each household and is based on how much money you spent on electricity annually.

There are 5 Price Tiers for Solarize 2016. We will move up into the next tier when more people sign up for a solar installation. The average  size of  residential solar array is 6kW. Based on the average size of an array it may take as little as 30 signs ups for us to get to tier 5!

Tiers Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Total Solar Capacity Reached 0-30kW 30-70kW 70-120kW 120-180kW >180kW
Price $3.75/Watt $3.70/Watt $3.65/Watt $3.60/Watt $3.50/Watt

Other Incentives!

  • 26 % Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit A taxpayer may claim a credit of 26% of qualified expenditures for a system that serves a dwelling unit located in the United States that is owned and used as a residence by the taxpayer. Expenditures with respect to the equipment are treated as made when the installation is completed. If the installation is at a new home, the “placed in service” date is the date of occupancy by the homeowner. Expenditures include labor costs for on-site preparation, assembly or original system installation, and for piping or wiring to interconnect a system to the home. If the federal tax credit exceeds tax liability, the excess amount may be carried forward to the succeeding taxable year. For more information, visit energy.gov
  • Solar Production Credits from Net Metering When your solar system generates more energy than you use, this energy is fed back into the grid. Your system keeps track of this amount and your utility company will credit your electric bill for the amount of energy fed back to the grid. This system is called “net metering.” You can use these net metered credits in the winter, when we have less solar energy from the sun. The rate you are paid for energy varies depending on utility, and Vermont’s Public Utility Commission has also changed rates over the years. Learn more here.


Making Solar a reality!

W/O Solarize Tier 1 Tier 5
Basic System Price (no adders) $20,280 $19,500 $18,200
30% Federal Tax Credit $ 6,084 $ 5,850 $ 5,460
Net Customer Cost $14,196 $13,650 $12,740

With the Green Mountain Power’s $.053/kWh “Solar Adder” incentive: estimated 6,200kWh x $0.20 = $1,240/year power credit

Estimated 9 to 10 year payback (including utility rate escalation)

Financing Options

Catamount can assist you with identifying financing options Through various sources via both secured and unsecured loans from leading institutions, including:

–VT State Employees Credit Union (VSECU) VGREEN Program – see www.VSECU.com

–Mascoma Savings Bank – see www.Mascomabank.com

–Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program – see www.efficiencyvermont.com

–Your own local bank (home equity loan)

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Was für eine Rasse ist Snoopy?

Beagles sind unverkennbar: Meist dreifarbig im Fell, klein, mit weißer Schwanzspitze und Schlappohren. Der bekannteste Beagle ist wohl Snoopy, der Hund von Charlie Brown aus der Comicserie “Peanuts”, der gelegentlich auf seiner Hundehütte tanzt.

Wie heißt der Vogel von den Peanuts?

Snoopy ist der coolste Hund der Welt und Woodstock ist sein bester Freund. Ohne den kleinen Vogel wäre Snoopy manchmal richtig aufgeschmissen. Aber auch die anderen Peanuts sind mit von der Partie: Charlie Brown, Lucy, die auch mal einen Kuss von Snoopy bekommt, Schroeder, der Pianist, und natürlich Linus und Sally.

Wie heißt der schmutzige bei den Peanuts?

Pig Pen, der ewig schmutzige Nachbarsjunge, dem die Flöhe und Insekten nur so aus den Kleidern springen. Die altklug-bebrillte Marcie, die ebenso unglücklich in Charlie Brown verliebt ist wie die selbstbewusste, aber schulschwache Peppermint Patty, die Schulz nach dem Vorbild seiner Lieblingscousine gestaltete.

Wann wurde Snopy erfunden?

Der Zeichner Charles M- Schulz hat Snoopy erfunden. Er hat ihn sei 1947 gezeichnet. Seit dem Jahr 1960 gibt es Comics von den Peanuts in Zeitungen.


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