Relative Strength refers to the amount of force applied to the bone through physical exertion

Cardiorespiratory Fitness:
Cardiorespiratory fitness is the ability of the body’s heart (circulatory system) and lungs (respiratory system) to supply oxygen during sustained physical exercise.
Muscular Strength:
Muscular strength is the ability of the muscles to exert maximal or near maximal effort.
Muscular Endurance:
Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscles to continute to perform sustained submaximal muscular effort.
Body Composition:
Body composition refers to the relative amount of fat to fat-free mass in the body. Fat-free mass represents muscle, bone, cartilage and other vital parts of the body.
Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint or group of joints.

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Pephysical Fitness

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20.Relative Strength refers to the amount of force applied to the bone through physicalexertion.

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21.Which statement does not belong in the group?

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22.A condition that affects the blood vessels of the heart and its surrounding muscles.

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23.To develop the body, mind, and spirit helps a person reach optimal health.

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24.The valve responsible for preventing the backflow of blood between the right atrium andventricle.

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25.This is specifically the difference between your maximum heart rate and resting heart rate.

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26.Avoid cotton materials because it creates too much friction when wet.

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27.Which does not belong to the group?

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28.Doctor’s clearance, PAR-Q questionaires, and Agreement to participate are all used to gaugeyour level of comprehension.

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29.For open _____, clean it, use antiseptics and bandages and leave the skin in place.

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30.The new formula for computing Maximal Heart Rate is:

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What is this a definition of the amount of force a muscle can exert?

Muscular Strength- the amount of force a muscle can exert. • Muscular Endurance- the ability of the muscles to perform difficult physical tasks over a period of time without causing fatigue. •

What component of physical fitness refers to the amount of force?

Both of these components focus on training your neuromuscular system, but in different ways. Muscular strength refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce at one time, also referred to as a one repetition maximum. You can train your muscles to be stronger by lifting heavy weights for a few repetitions.

Which fitness element is the amount of force a muscle can exert?

Strength describes the maximum force a muscle can exert. The power of muscles refers to how quickly the muscles can do this work and transfer the energy. Muscle endurance refers to how well the muscles can exert and hold maximum force over and over and over again.

What do you call the amount of force a muscle can exert and considered as the maximum pull or push force that can be exerted by a group of muscles in one portion?

Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group~ exert.


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