Judy believes that her fate is determined by her own actions. judy’s belief best illustrates

AP Psych (FINAL)

A psychotherapist who believes that deviant behavior can be traced either to genetic anomalies or to problems in the physical structure of the brain most likely subscribes to which of the following views of abnormaility?

Persistent anxiety-provoking thoughts

A person with obsessive-compulsive disorder is best described as an individual who experiences

A research design involves two randomly assigned groups of participants. One group receives a one-time treatment, and the other does not. Later, the two groups are compared to see whether the treatment had an effect. PSychologists call this kind of resear

The area of the brain that is important to controlling breathing is the...

Egocentrism, animism, and artificialism are characteristic of which of the Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

Which of the following would an industrial organizational psychologist be LEAST likely to study?

Vic has unpredictable & repeated attacks of overwhelming anxiety that frequently leave him dizzy, nauseous, short of breath, and in tears. A psychologist is likely to view Vic's behavior as indicative of...

A generalization about a social group

A stereotype is defined as which of the following?

Rafael has a sleep disorder for which he takes medically prescribed amphetamines. For which of the following sleep disorders is Rafael most likely being treated?

the perceived pitch of a tone is largely determined by its

Balance is influenced by the...

Humanistic psychologists believe that the drive toward self-actualization is...

A stubborn individual who accuses peer of being uncooperative is exhibiting which of the following defense mechanisms?

The tactile characteristics of the mother

Harry Harlow's experiments with rhesus monkeys suggest which of the following as most important for infants when establishing an attachment to their mothers?

The biological clock that operates in human beings to adjust their functioning to night-and-day periodicity is referred to as...

Visual acuity is best in the

Individuals who believe that an unpleasant experience is unavoidable and therefore do nothing to change the course of events are exhibiting

Which of the following systems produces, circulates, and regulates levels of hormones in the body?

The brain scans of people with amnesia are most likely to show damage to the...

In treating a patient for depression. Dr. Pratt focuses on changing the ways in which the patient interprets events. Which type of therapy is Dr. Pratt using?

Understanding that things continue to exist even when they are not within view is called

When the client provides written permission to share results

When is it permissible for a psychologist to share a client's test scores with another person?

design prevention programs or potential problems before the problems actually occur

Community psychologists intervene at the primary level when they

scored at the average level for test takers of the same age

On individual intelligence tests such as the Stanford-Binet & Wechsler scales, an IQ of 100 indicates that the test taker

Being around someone who has a serious case of the flu

Which of the following is LEAST likely to affect the immune system's ability to ward off illness?

reveal the subject's personalities by eliciting responses to vague, ambiguous stimuli

The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the Rorschach Test and the Thematic Apperception Test, is that they...

The tendency to develop a positive attitude toward a product that has been advertised repeatedly in the media is referred to as

As you watch a friend walk away from you, your retinal image of your friend gets smaller. Despite this, you do not perceive him to be shrinking. This is an example of...

Receptors, afferent neurons, interneurons, efferent neurons, effectors

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the neural chain of events set in motion by an environmental stimulus?

enables clients to realize that their problems are not unique

An advantage of group therapy over individual therapay is that group therapy

its conclusions can be verified or refuted by subsequent studies

A study can be regarded as scientific only if...

When a newborn infant is touched on the cheek, the infant will turn its head toward the source of stimulation. This behavior is known as...

Neurotransmitters are typically stored in which of the following parts of a neuron?

representative of the population

In order to yield info that is generalizable to the population from which it was drawn, a sample must be

Individuals exhibiting a hostile type A personality pattern are at an increased risk for

The factors chiefly responsible for interpersonal attraction include...

In a memory study, the experimenter reads the same list of words to two groups. She asks group A to count the letters in each word, and she asks group B to focus on the meaning of each word for a later memory quiz. During a recall test, participants in gr

Unreasonable beliefs or assumptions

Rational-emotive behavior therapy assumes that abnormal functioning results from which of the following?

According to Freudian theory, the component of the personality that is "blind, impulsive, and irrational" is the

In a research study, informed consent is a concern of...

the correlation between two measures obtained on a group of individuals is graphically represented as a...

a college student is no longer kept awake by her roommate's late night typing

The concept of habituation is best exemplified by which of the following situations?

The reversible figure above illustrates the Gestalt organization principle of...

Staff members at a mental health hospital do not respond to patients who use threats, but praise patients who are courteous. Which of the following psychotherapeutic approaches is being used?

A teacher rewards a student for sitting quietly for ten minutes on Monday, fifteen minutes on Tuesday, twenty minutes on Wednesday, & thirty minutes on Thursday

Which of the following is the best example of shaping?

many cortical cells respond most strongly to specific visual info

David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel's research on responses of the brain to visual stimuli showed that...

an internal focus of control

Judy believes that her fate is determined by her own actions. Judy's belief best illustrates...

There is a possibility that the difference between the two groups occurred by chance.

An instructor conducted an experiment to determine the effects of two different methods of study on the amount students learned in introductory physics. The results showed that the average amount learned by the group using one method was greater than the

scored the same as or higher than 42% of her fellow students

A student test score is 86 is at the 42nd percentile. This means that this student has...

Positron emission tomography (PET)

Which of the following provides information regarding brain function by monitoring the brain at work through metabolism of glucose?

A person assembling a tool one week after reading the instructions can remember the first and last steps of the procedure but not the middle ones. This best illustrates which of the following?

differences b/w males & females in the course of moral development

Carol Gilligan's critique of Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development focuses primarily on...

The CS is repeatedly presented in the absence of the UCS, and the CR loses strength

For extinction to occur, which of the following must be true of the conditioned response (CR), the conditioned stimulus (CS), and the unconditioned stimulus (UCS).

Sutan asks his father for $5, and when he agrees, Sutan asked him for $15 more.

Which of the following behaviors is most closely associated with the foot-in-door phenomenon

A child who learns that spoons are tableware and then correctly calls forks and knives tableware is demonstrating...

They have developed codes of ethics for research with both human participants and animal subjects

Which of the following best describes the response of members of the American Psychological Association to ethical issues in research

Lithium carbonate has been useful in some instances of treatment of...

Which of the following is an example of a prelinguistic event?

John B. Watson is best known as the founder of...

Photoreceptors relay visual information to the brain through which of the following cells?

conditioning occurs only when one event reliably predicts another

Robert Rescorla's contingency model of classical conditioning states that

Which of the following types of validity is established by demonstrating that there is a correlation between scores on a test and later academic performance?

Basic emotions are understood and expressed in a similar fashion by individuals from diverse cultures.

Which of the following best supports the hypothesis that basic human emotions, such as sadness are innate?

problem-solving strategies

In studying behavior of five year olds in free-play situations, a cognitive psychologist would be most interested in the children's...

decrease the amount of time needed to administer the test

All of the following are reasons for requiring clearly specified procedures for the administration and scoring of assessment measures, such as standardized tests, EXCEPT to...

Correlations for children and their adoptive parents are statistically significant and positive

Which of the following results of correlational studies implies that environment contributes to the determination of IQ?

Developmental research on the formation of attachment indicates that a child's secure attachment to its mother during infancy is predictive of which of the following during its toddler years?

Hallucinations are characteristics of...

predicting children's success in school

Alfred Binet's efforts to measure intelligence were directed at...

Training in the construction of an anxiety hierarchy and n relaxation techniques is likely to be part of the treatment for which of the folloiwng?

A self-fulfilling prophecy

A supervisor who doubts the competence of a new employee unwittingly criticizes everything the new employee does. If the new employee consequently performs poorly, which of the following will most likely have occurred?

According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need to have respect for ourselves and to be valued by others is classified within the category of...

Which part of the nervous system is most immediately activated by sudden fear?

Alicia has started a new and very different job but believes in her skills and ability to carry out the tasks required of her. Albert Bandura would refer to Alicia's sense of confidence as which of the following?

cognitive labels of physiological changes

Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer view emotion as resulting from

the fundamental attribution error

The tendency to believe that another person's behavior is caused by dispositional factors rather than by environmental factors is called

An individual who drinks alcohol daily finds it necessary to drink increasing amounts to achieve the state of well-being attained in the past. This individual is showing...

Some aspect of a participant's response that is measured in an experiment

Which of the following most accurately describes a dependent variable?

All human languages have several basic sounds in common called

The sequence of shifts in the electrical charge of a neuron is called...

A technique that enables a person to control physiological responses that are normally involuntary, such as a level of blood pressure, is known as...

Conformity increases as a group size increases to about four persons

Which of the following is the best interpretation of Solomon Asch's findings, pictured above (graph), concerning conformity in perceptual judgments?

Mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that help solve problems and reduce mental effort are called

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used primarily to provide information about which of the following?

Distribution B has more variation than distributions A or C

Which of the following is true of the frequency distributions shown in the graphs above?

Which of the following is a partial reinforcement schedule that is most resistant to extinction?

A young child shown a nine-inch round bowl and a six-inch round bowl containing equal amounts of popcorn says he is certain the smaller bowl has more popcorn than the larger bowl. This child has yet to acquire what Jean Piaget called...

Which of the following concepts provides the best explanation for why people seek to put on warmer clothing when they start to feel cold?

Speakers of different languages think differently due to the differences in their languages

The linguistic relativity hypothesis of Benjamin Whorf suggests which of the following?

a biologically unfounded loss of bodily functioning

An individual diagnosed as having a somatoform disorder would be most likely to show...

cognitive dissonance theory

It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured." This belief is best explained by...

To score high on a test of creativity, a person's answers should be...

Memory for automatic activities, such as bike riding and handwriting, is known as...

After discussing a topic, a group makes a decision that is more extreme than the average position of all of the group members prior to discussion, The group's action is an example of...

Brain damage that leaves a person capable of understanding speech but with an impaired ability to produce speech most likely indicates injury to which of the following?

Gender differences have most often been found in which of the following?

Jennifer studies hard because her parents reward her by paying $20 for each superior grade that she brings home.

Which of the following statements best depicts the concept of incentive theory?

The correlation b/w scores obtained on two halves of a single test yields info about the test's...

deviation from cultural norms

Vance is a popular honors student who, unlike his reference group, writes his best papers sitting on his motorcycle in the basement of his college dormitory. His behavior can be considered abnormal only if abnormality is defined as...

Failure to recognize that an object typically not used for a particular purpose can, in fact, serve that purpose illustrates which of the following?

Some aspect of a participant's response that is measured in an experiment

Which of the following argues that physiological needs create aroused psychological states that cause us to try to satisfy those needs *?

AP Psychology - Unit 8 Vocabulary Review.

Which of the following is the best example of scapegoating?

Which of the following is the best example of scapegoating? Ryan, who is a member of one racial group, does not get into the college he wants to attend. Even though his application was weak, he blames members of another racial group for his rejection.

When given a drug that produced general arousal research participants placed in a room with a happy Confederate?

When given a drug that produced general arousal, research participants placed in a room with a happy confederate described their emotional state as happy, while those placed in a room with an angry confederate described their emotional state as angry.

What type of memory is riding a bike quizlet?

Implicit memory is used for skills and motor patterns such as actions skills and operations, like riding a bike or driving a car. One subtype of implicit memory is procedural memory.

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