Is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert in a single effort achievement of this depends on factors like gender age and inherited physical attributes?

Unformatted text preview: Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! Lecture 06: Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 1 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Learning outcomes Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity At the end of this lecture, the learners should be able to: > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket Discuss the significance of assessing health–related fitness component Administer self–assessment on health–related fitness (HRF), barriers on physical activity, and on one’s diet Reflect on the test results and suggest future plans for improvement Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 2 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket - Assessing one’s health status will help the person know about one’s strengths and weaknesses. Awareness of individuals’ health-related fitness and its relevant interpretations will aid the person to efficiently create an action plan in observing a healthy lifestyle and selecting appropriate activities for areas that need improvement. Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 3 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Health-related fitness components: > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket - Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen to your body tissues during sustained physical activity. This allows the body to endure physical movement for a period of time. Also, efficient delivery of oxygen to its tissues will take place giving the person a lower breathing rate and the ability to perform the task longer. Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 4 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Health-related fitness components: > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket - Muscular Strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert in a single effort. Achievement of muscular strength depends on factors like gender, age, and inherited physical attributes. Having strong muscles is beneficial to everyday living. The muscles support the skeleton enabling movement to occur and the strength to support the body while standing up. Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 5 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Health-related fitness components: > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity - Muscular Endurance is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue. - Flexibility is the ability to bend and move the joints through the full range of motion. - Body Composition is the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in a human body; it is often the ratio of lean tissue to fat tissue in the body. > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 6 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Barriers to Physical Activity > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket - Getting involved in physical activities can be attributed to personal and environmental factors. A person may experience a variety of challenges along the way. This hinders the person to be physically active, hence, referred to as barriers. Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 7 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Personal barriers > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket Some common explanations (barriers) that people cite for resistance to exercise are: - insufficient time to exercise - inconvenience of exercise - lack of self-motivation - non-enjoyment, boredom of exercise - lack of confidence in their ability to be physically active (low self-efficacy) Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 8 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Personal barriers > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket Some common explanations (barriers) that people cite for resistance to exercise are: - fear of being injured or having been injured recently - lack of self-management skills, such as the ability to set personal goals, - monitor progress, or reward progress toward such goals - lack of encouragement, support, or companionship from family and friends - non-availability of parks, sidewalks, bicycle trails, or safe and pleasant - walking paths close to home or the workplace Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 9 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! > Learning outcomes Introduction Environmental barriers > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket - The environment in which we live has a great influence on our level of physical activity. Many factors in our environment affect us. - Obvious factors include the accessibility of walking paths, cycling trails, and recreation facilities. - Factors such as traffic, availability of public transportation, crime, and pollution may also have an effect. - Other environmental factors include our social environment, such as support from family and friends, and community spirit. It is possible to make changes in our environment through campaigns to support active transportation, legislation for safer communities, and the creation of new recreation. Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 10 P.E. & Health Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! Summary > Learning outcomes > Introduction Managing Stress through Physical Activity > Exercises > Assessment > Exit Ticket - Fitness level assessment determines the current health status of an individual. Assessing one’s health status will help a person be informed of his or her strengths and weaknesses leading him/her to observe a healthy lifestyle and to select appropriate activities for improvement. - To maintain general fitness, develop the health-related physical activities that include cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. Reference: Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 11 Exit Ticket Lecture 06: Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 12 The End Lecture 06: Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me! Richmindale College | Form 5050 rev 0 updated 20Feb19 Copyright 2019 Richmindale College LLC. Arizona, U.S.A. | Page 13 ...
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What is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert in a single effort?

Definition: Muscle strength Muscular strength is defined as the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert against some form of resistance in a single effort. Practically speaking, you use muscular strength when you lift yourself out of a chair, pick up a heavy object, or push a piece of furniture.

Is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert in a single effort and the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue?

Muscular endnrance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to continue work over a long period of time. The one minute sit-up test measures muscular endurance of the abdominals. Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group~ exert. The pull-up test measures upper-body strength.

What is the maximum force of a muscle?

For every 1 square centimetre of cross sectional area, muscle fibres can exert a maximum force of approximately 30–40 newtons (the weight of a 3–4 kg mass).

What do you call on the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert against an opposing force?

Muscular strength refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can exert against an opposing force.


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