In the following scenarios describe if there is a shift to a demand curve for good x

The Demand for goods or services is defined as the desire of a consumer to purchase that commodity. The Supply of goods or services is the overall availability of that commodity in the market. These two forces influence the market economy of a particular product, industry or even a nation.

Below is a list of multiple-choice questions and answers on Demand and Supply to help students understand the topic better.

  1. Normally the demand curve will have a _______________ shape.
    1. Upward sloping
    2. Downward sloping
    3. Vertical
    4. Horizontal
  2. Answer: b

  3. Which of the following is an assumption made while drawing the demand curve?
    1. The demand curve must be linear
    2. The price of substitutes should not change
    3. The quantity demanded should not change
    4. The price of the commodity should not change
  4. Answer: b

  5. The elasticity for the demand of durable goods is __________.
    1. Zero
    2. Equal to unity
    3. Greater than unity
    4. Less than unity
  6. Answer: c

  7. Law of demand shows a relation between the ___________.
    1. Quantity demand and quantity supply of a commodity
    2. Income and quantity demand of a commodity
    3. Price and quantity of a commodity
    4. Income and price of a commodity
  8. Answer: c

  9. If the quantity demanded of a commodity is unresponsive to change in prices, then the demand of that commodity is ________.
    1. Perfectly inelastic
    2. Elastic
    3. Unit elastic
    4. Inelastic
  10. Answer: a

  11. When the price of a product falls by 10% and its demand rises by 30%, then the elasticity of demand is _________.
    1. 13
    2. 3
    3. 10
    4. 30
  12. Answer: b

  13. When the elasticity of demand for a commodity is very low, it shows that the product ________.
    1. Has little importance in the total budget
    2. Is a luxury
    3. Is a necessity
    4. None of the above
  14. Answer: c

  15. Which of the following is not a cause of the shift in demand for a product?
    1. Change in the price of substitutes
    2. Change in the income of a consumer
    3. Change in the price of a product
    4. None of the above
  16. Answer: c

  17. When the demand for a product is perfectly inelastic, a price increase will result in __________.
    1. A decrease in quantity demanded of the product
    2. No change in the total income from a product
    3. An increase in the total income from a product
    4. A reduction in the total income from a product
  18. Answer: c

  19. In case the price of a product and the total revenue from that product move in the same direction, then the demand is ____________.
    1. Perfectly elastic
    2. Inelastic
    3. Elastic
    4. Unrelated
  20. Answer: b

  21. Would an increase in demand for a product cause the supply curve to shift in any direction?
    1. No effect on supply
    2. Change in the slope of a supply curve
    3. The supply curve will move to the right
    4. The supply curve will move to the left
  22. Answer: a

  23. If the elasticity of supply is greater than one, the supply curve would be _______.
    1. Touching y-axis
    2. Passing through the origin
    3. Vertical
    4. Horizontal
  24. Answer: a

  25. In a particular year, the farmers experienced dry weather. If all other factors remain the same, the supply curve of wheat for farmers will shift to the ________ direction.
    1. Downward
    2. Rightward
    3. Leftward
    4. None of the above
  26. Answer: c

  27. In May 2019, a firm was providing 5000 kg of sugar at a market price of Rs. 30 per kg. But in June 2019, the supply of sugar decreased to 4500 kg at a market price of Rs. 20 per kg. This change shows that the supply of sugar is _____.
    1. More elastic
    2. Less elastic
    3. Perfectly inelastic
    4. Perfectly elastic
  28. Answer: b

  29. If the market supply curve for a product shifts rightwards, what is the best possible explanation for this shift?
    1. Increase in the price of raw materials
    2. Introduction of a tax on that product by the government
    3. Introduction of a new technique that makes the production of that commodity cheaper
    4. An advertising campaign that is successful in promoting the product
  30. Answer: c

  31. Which of the following scenarios will not shift the demand curve for a particular product?
    1. A change in the income of the consumers of that product
    2. Effective advertising campaign by producers of a substitute good
    3. A reduction in the price of the raw material for that product
    4. A widely publicised study that says the product is harmful to the health of consumers
  32. Answer: c

  33. A firm’s supply curve is on an upward slope because ______.
    1. The production costs of additional units of output will rise beyond a point
    2. Consumers see a positive relationship between price and quality
    3. Expansion of production leads to the use of inferior inputs
    4. None of the above
  34. Answer: a

  35. Which of the following scenarios will not lead to a change in demand for a product?
    1. A change in the tastes of its consumers
    2. A change in the price of that product
    3. An increase in the income of its consumers
    4. None of the above
  36. Answer: d

  37. ______ leads to an increase in the supply of a commodity without a change in its price.
    1. Rise in supply
    2. Contraction in supply
    3. Expansion in supply
    4. Fall in supply
  38. Answer: a

  39. If price changes by 1% and supply changes by 2%, then the supply is ______.
    1. Static
    2. Indeterminate
    3. Inelastic
    4. Elastic
  40. Answer: d

  41. If the income of a consumer increases or the price of a complementary good falls, then the __________.
    1. The demand curve for the product shifts rightward
    2. The demand curve for the product shifts leftward
    3. The supply curve for the product shifts rightward
    4. The supply curve for the product shifts leftward
  42. Answer: a

  43. Because of increasing marginal costs, most supply curves ________.
    1. Have a positive slope
    2. Have a negative slope
    3. Are horizontal
    4. Are vertical
  44. Answer: a

  45. Which of the following metrics is not a constant factor while moving upwards along the supply curve?
    1. The price of the commodity
    2. The number of sellers
    3. Expected future prices
    4. Cost of the resources used for producing that commodity
  46. Answer: a

  47. An increase in the number of restaurants serving fast-food leads to _______.
    1. Growth in the demand of fast-food meals
    2. Increase in the supply of fast-food meals
    3. Increase in the price of fast-food meals
    4. Growth in the demand for substitutes of fast-food meals
  48. Answer: b

  49. When the quantity demanded of a goods is equal to the quantity supplied of that goods, then ___________.
    1. There is a surplus
    2. The government is intervening in the market
    3. There is a shortage
    4. None of the above
  50. Answer: d

Also See:

  • Elasticity of Demand
  • Price Elasticity of Supply

Which of these scenarios will cause the demand curve of a good to shift to the right?

Demand Curve Shifts Right The curve shifts to the right if the determinant causes demand to increase. This means more of the good or service are demanded even though there's no change in price. When the economy is booming, buyers' incomes will rise. They'll buy more of everything, even though the price hasn't changed.

What will shift the demand curve for a good?

Factors that can shift the demand curve for goods and services, causing a different quantity to be demanded at any given price, include changes in tastes, population, income, prices of substitute or complement goods, and expectations about future conditions and prices.

Which of the following will cause the demand curve for a good to shift to the left a decrease in demand )?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is b) an increase in the price of a substitute good. The shift of the demand curve to the left refers to a fall in demand. In the case of an inferior good, as the price of substitute increases, the demand for the inferior good decreases.

Which of the following will cause the demand curve for a good to shift to the left?

When the demand for the product decreases, the demand shifts to the left.


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