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What is an effect of advertisements that elicit positive emotions?

The key is emotion: A long-term effective ad creates positive emotion and reinforces memory structures around its brand so that when it comes time for a purchase decision, those positive feelings make brands seem like a better choice.

Which multi trait theory is most commonly used by marketers?

Multitrait Approach The Five-Factor Model is the most commonly used by marketers and identifies five basic traits that are formed by genetics and early learning.

What are the three broad types of coping used in response to negative emotions arising out of stressful situations?

Coping mechanisms can be categorized into three broad types: appraisal-focused, which affects thought associated with the stressor; problem-focused, which affects the stressor itself; and emotion-focused, which affects the feelings associated with the stressor.

What are the four main categories McGuire used to divide motivation?

These motives emphasize the need to attain satisfying feeling states and to obtain personal goals. What are the four main categories McGuire used to divide motivation?.
cognitive preservation motives..
cognitive growth motives..
affective preservation motives..
affective growth motives..


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