How does understanding the customers communication style improve the salespersons relationship management skill?

Adaptive Selling Today Training Video Series COMMUNICATION STYLES—A KEY TO ADAPTIVE SELLING Communication—or behavior—styles, as they are sometimes called, have been described as one of the most popular training programs in sales and management. In this two-part Adaptive Selling Today Training Video, you’ll meet Lana, a senior salesperson.While working with Ron, one of her top customers, Sandra, her sales team member (all featured in the photo above); and Raymond, her marketing manager, she shares what she has learned about building selling relationships with communication styles. We will learn how Lana and her team take a “No, this won’t work”response from Ron and, with the adaptive selling “Platinum Rule,”attempt to build a mutually rewarding relationship. Every year publications such as Business Week, Fortune, and Fast Company feature profiles of well-known business leaders.These articles often focus on the communication styles of the executives who provide leadership in companies across America. Who can forget Al “Chainsaw” Dunlap, who was described as aggressive, frank, opinionated, and impatient? He earned his nickname by ordering huge layoffs when he was the CEO responsible for restructuring companies such as Scott Paper and Sunbeam Corporation. Deborah Hopkins earned the nickname “Hurricane Debby” for the way she conducted business while holding leadership positions at Unisys, GM Europe, Boeing, and Lucent Technologies. Her demanding, ambitious, and sometimes emotional style occasionally created personality clashes. By contrast, Bill Gates is described as a quiet, reflective person who often seems preoccupied with other matters. And then there is Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of, who is often described as the happy extrovert.

Selling Today: Creating Customer Value, Eleventh Edition, by Gerald L. Manning, Barry L. Reece and Michael Ahearne. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright © 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Most of the jobs done in the human world involve some sort of human interaction or teamwork. In such professions, the inevitability of human interaction requires professionals to develop a skill that is the key to success. That skill is Communication skills.

Communication skills are the set of skills that enhance the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively. In order to develop a successful career in any field in this day and age, one must possess this skill. When it comes to sales, communication skills are the holy grail of success and thus must be inculcated in the curriculum vitae of every salesperson. 

Communication skills don't only involve the combination of the right words for expressing feelings. It also involves demeanor, body language, and intuitive reactions. A combination of these things together is also known as soft skills. Soft skill development is encouraged by several organizations and educational institutions and thus they also organize soft skills programs within their organization to infuse people with this precious ability.

One of the most important aspects of communication skills, which is very frequently overlooked even in the most professional of organizations is Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Emotional intelligence is the basis on which one can compassionately understand another human being and thus act in a way to make him feel comfortable. This skill is now slowly being recognized by the professional world and thus is encouraged in the sales world to be inculcated.

There are several expert books on emotional intelligence that can be studied by sales professionals to up their game in closing deals with clients as well as keeping them happy and satisfied.

There are several reasons for which the importance of communication in sales is unmatched. Let's discuss them further below.

Improves Client Relationships

Good communication skills in sales are a boon for building a good client relationship. It has proven extremely effective in practice and helps build trust and long-lasting relationships with clients.

Encourages Innovation 

Communication skills also help salespersons develop an attitude for innovation in the field. This skill helps inculcate versatility and innovative ways to sell products or services.

Boosts Employee Confidence 

Communication skills boost confidence in employees very effectively and show a visible change in their performance.

Increases Effectiveness

Sales become an easy task with a command over-communicating language and attitude. The annual goals are thus more effectively achieved after cultivating this skill.

Increases Goodwill 

Lastly but most importantly, the representation of a brand is done by sales personnel. Having a good command over this skill helps elevate the goodwill of an organization to a new height.

For these benefits, it is of utmost importance to inculcate communication skills as sales personnel. Doing this will increase the chances of success by ten folds and elevate the pride of your organization to a new height.

How does understanding customer's communication style improve the salesperson's relationship management skill?

A salesperson who understands communication-style classification methods and learns how to adapt them can avoid common mistakes that threaten interpersonal relations with customers. Awareness of these methods greatly reduces the possibility of tension arising during the sales call.

Why understanding communication styles is beneficial for a career in sales?

Learning how to communicate more effectively with people who have different communication styles than you do will lead you to more prospects, more productive discussions, and more sales.

How does communication style influence the relationship process in sales?

Many sales are lost because salespeople fail to communicate effectively with the prospect. Communication style bias contributes to this problem. Every salesperson who is willing to develop style sensitivity and engage in appropriate style flexing can minimize one of the most common barriers to success in selling.

Why is it important to identify the customer's communication style?

Understanding the various communication styles can help you improve your relationships with customers and colleagues alike. After all, the ways in which you communicate with others gives you the power to create meaningful connections.


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