For English learners, differentiated instruction takes into consideration all EXCEPT

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How do teachers differentiate instruction?

As teachers begin to differentiate instruction, there are three main instructional elements that they can adjust to meet the needs of their learners:

  • Content—the knowledge and skills students need to master
  • Process—the activities students use to master the content
  • Product—the method students use to demonstrate learning

Differentiating instruction involves making changes to one or more of these elements. There is no prescribed way to differentiate instruction: The changes a teacher makes to each of the classroom elements depends on the needs of his or her students.

For Your Information

The learning environment is sometimes included as one of the classroom elements associated with differentiated instruction. It refers to the organization and atmosphere of the classroom. Without an effective learning environment with rules, procedures, and respect for others, differentiating content, process, and product might be more difficult to accomplish and may not result in the expected positive outcomes. Some ways in which the teacher can differentiate the learning environment include:

  • Creating places in the room where students can work quietly without distraction while also providing areas where students can work together
  • Offering multicultural materials
  • Developing procedures for students to get help when they are working with other students

Making adjustments to these instructional elements often requires teachers to change their approach to instruction. Listen as Carol Ann Tomlinson discusses why this is often the biggest challenge teachers encounter when they begin to differentiate instruction (time: 1:14).

Carol Ann Tomlinson, EdD
Professor of Educational Leadership, Foundations, and Policy
The University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

Transcript: Carol Ann Tomlinson, EdD

I think the biggest challenge in differentiation is not differentiation itself but change. There really is nothing that is particularly complicated about what differentiation asks teachers to do. But most of us develop pretty deep ruts of teaching within our first two or three years, and those ruts and routines become the rhythm of the day. And differentiation does ask you to break out of those. So I think it really is not so much adopting a new thing but shedding the old thing that really is the challenge. For example, most teachers have learned to direct classrooms with sort of a frontal control mechanism with the belief that we have to be standing in front of the kids for them to learn anything, and that if we let them work collaboratively or independently they would self-destruct. We are much more comfortable giving one set of directions and asking everybody to do the same thing and start and stop at the same time. And those are pretty big patterns, and it’s a little hard to differentiate instruction and maintain those patterns. So it’s frequently learning to think in a new way, I think, that’s the greatest challenge.

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Page 1: Defining Differentiated Instruction

Mr. Shelton learns that differentiated instruction is an approach whereby teachers adjust their curriculum and instruction to maximize the learning of all students: average learners, English language learners, struggling students, students with learning disabilities, and gifted and talented students. Differentiated instruction is not a single strategy but rather a framework that teachers can use to implement a variety of strategies, many of which are evidence-based. These evidence-based strategies include:

  • Employing effective classroom management procedures
  • Grouping students for instruction (especially students with significant learning problems)
  • Assessing readiness
  • Teaching to the student’s zone of proximal development

Although differentiated instruction as a whole is yet to be validated by scientific research, a growing body of evidence shows that the approach has positive effects on student learning.

Research Shows

  • Strategies used to differentiate instructional and assessment tasks for English language learners, gifted students, and struggling students were also effective for other students in the classroom.
    McQuarrie, McRae, & Stack-Cutler (2008)
  • Students with learning disabilities received more benefits from differentiated instruction than did their grade-level peers.
    McQuarrie, McRae, & Stack-Cutler (2008)
  • In one study, the reading skills of elementary- and middle-school students who participated in a reading program that incorporated differentiated instruction improved compared to the reading skills of students who did not receive the program.
    Baumgartner, Lipowski, & Rush (2003)

In addition to using the kinds of evidence-based strategies listed above, teachers who differentiate instruction often:

When a teacher tries to teach something to the entire class at the same time, “chances are, one-third of the kids already know it, one-third of the kids will get it, and the remaining third won’t. So two-thirds of the children are wasting their time.”

  • Use a variety of instructional approaches
  • Alter assignments to meet the needs of the students
  • Assess students on an ongoing basis to determine their readiness levels
  • Use assessment results to adjust instruction as needed
  • Provide a variety of options for how students can learn and demonstrate their knowledge
  • Strive to make lessons engaging and meaningful
  • Employ different grouping formats for instruction (e.g., whole-class, small groups, independent instruction) and use flexible grouping


flexible grouping

A fluid or dynamic method of grouping students. Rather than being set, group membership changes to meet the different needs of the students.

Traditional Classroom Differentiated Classroom
Instruction is teacher centered. Instruction is student centered.
Instruction is largely provided in a whole-group setting. Different grouping formats (e.g., whole-group, small-group, pairs) are used for instruction.
When teachers assign students to work in groups, the groups are usually static, based on achievement level (e.g., low, middle, and high achievers). Teachers employ flexible grouping practices based on the students’ learning needs and interests.
Teachers target instruction at the level of the middle achievers. Teachers assign challenging and engaging tasks to everyone in the class.
Instruction is provided one way (e.g., via lecture). Instruction is provided in multiple ways (e.g., via lecture, modeling, hands-on, visual representations)
Instructional tasks are aligned with grade-level standards. While aligning with grade-level standards, instructional tasks are designed to address students’ needs and differences.
The teacher relies on a single textbook to present information. The teacher uses a variety of materials (e.g., textbooks from multiple grade levels, computer software) to present information.
The teacher assigns the same assignment to all students. The teacher offers several assignment choices.
The teacher assesses the students’ knowledge of a unit usually with a written test. Although the teacher may give a written test at the end of the unit, he also provides the students with several options (e.g., written report, model, video) to demonstrate their knowledge.

Teachers use summative assessment to assess the students’ knowledge.


summative assessment

An evaluation administered to measure student learning outcomes, typically at the end of a unit or chapter. Often used to evaluate whether a student has mastered the content or skill.

In addition to summative assessment, the teachers use formative assessment to guide instruction.


formative assessment

A system of providing continual feedback about preconceptions and performances to both learners and instructors; an ongoing evaluation of student learning.

“Fair” means that every student works on the same tasks. “Fair” means that each student works a task, which may be the same or different than their peers’, to meet his or her needs.
“Success” means making a good grade or mastering the material. “Success” refers to an individual student’s academic growth.

Teachers often have a number of misperceptions about differentiated instruction. Carol Ann Tomlinson addresses two of these (time: 1:33).

Carol Ann Tomlinson, EdD
Professor of Educational Leadership, Foundations, and Policy
The University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

Transcript: Carol Ann Tomlinson, EdD

One is it takes too much time to plan, but the other is it takes too much time in a classroom to differentiate. The planning piece, of course, is a matter of saying differentiation doesn’t say spend an hour planning tonight like you always did and then add differentiation to it. What it would say is, if you have an hour to plan, think about how you can do that in a way that’s going to work for kids. And, again, if you go slowly it doesn’t need to eat your life in any way at all. But the issue in terms of it takes too much time in class is an intriguing one to me because it turns out that differentiation is not what takes extra time in class. What takes extra time in class is giving kids chances to work with ideas and manipulate ideas and come to own the information. It doesn’t take as long just to tell kids things or just to cover standards, but we also don’t have any evidence that students come away with understanding or the capacity to use what they’ve learned to transfer knowledge. When you take time to let kids think and make meaning of stuff, that slows us down some in terms of coverage. If you let kids make meaning of stuff in two different ways, or if you let kids make meaning of stuff working alone or working with somebody, or if you let kids making make meaning working independently or working with a teacher, that doesn’t take any longer. Where it got to take longer was in the making meaning part.

For Your Information

What is the difference between differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

Both attempt to maximize the learning of all students by offering multiple ways to learn content or skills and to demonstrate that knowledge. Additionally, both emphasize learning environments that are engaging and utilize ongoing assessments to make adjustments to meet the instructional needs of students. So what is the difference? The difference is in when and how changes are made to address the needs of students.

Differentiated Instruction Universal Design for Learning
When During instruction when the teacher notices the students’ needs When designing the curriculum
How Makes changes or adjustments to the curriculum Builds resources and options into the curriculum

CAST, Inc. (2007)

How does response to intervention (RTI) fit in with differentiated instruction?


response to intervention (RTI)

A multi-tiered method for delivering instruction to learners through increasingly intensive and individualized interventions.

Both are instructional frameworks. Whereas the purpose of differentiated instruction is to address the needs of all students, the purpose of RTI is to identify and address the needs of struggling students. Though the two frameworks overlap—differentiated instruction is often provided in an RTI classroom—under RTI, students may receive more intensive levels of instruction than they would normally receive in a differentiated classroom.

How do adaptations (i.e., accommodations and modifications) fit with differentiated instruction?

Differentiated instruction might not be enough for some students to succeed. Those with disabilities might need additional supports—accommodations or modifications—to learn the concepts and skills being taught. These supports are identified in the student’s individual education program (IEP).


individualized education program (IEP)

A written plan used to delineate an individual student’s current level of development and his or her learning goals, as well as to specify any accommodations, modifications, and related services that a student might need to attend school and maximize his or her learning.

How do you differentiate materials for English language learners?

5 Solid Steps for Using Differentiated Instruction with ELL Students.
Figure Out What You Can Differentiate. ... .
Profile Student Readiness. ... .
Identify Meaningful Goals and Objectives. ... .
Create Learning Profiles. ... .
Create Your Differentiated Strategies with Assessment Data..

How do you differentiate English lessons?

Try the ones that best apply to you, depending on factors such as student age..
Create Learning Stations. ... .
Use Task Cards. ... .
Interview Students. ... .
Target Different Senses Within Lessons. ... .
Share Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses. ... .
Use the Think-Pair-Share Strategy. ... .
Make Time for Journaling..

Why differentiated instruction is vital in helping each learner be successful in learning process?

Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.

How do teachers prepare their students and their classrooms for differentiated instruction?

Use a variety of instructional approaches..
Alter assignments to meet the needs of the students..
Assess students on an ongoing basis to determine their readiness levels..
Use assessment results to adjust instruction as needed..
Provide a variety of options for how students can learn and demonstrate their knowledge..


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