England was late in establishing a colony in the new world for all of these reasons except: quizlet

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Terms in this set (384)

Queen Elizabeth I was

Unwilling to risk her treasure on North American adventures.

The term "middle ground" refers to

an area where European and Indian cultures and people coexisted in relative peace.

What group dominated the government and economy of the Netherlands after 1648?

Prosperous merchants.

When Henry Hudson's voyage gave the Dutch a claim to the Hudson River area in 1609, what was he actually seeking?

Passage to the Pacific Ocean.

What about don Luis's behavior shocked and scandalized the Spanish Jesuits in 1570?

He took several wives.

French traders and Huron and Algonquian hunters

Created a network that made each group dependent on the other.

Why did England conquer Ireland between 1565 and 1576?

Irish noblemen refused to submit to the English monarchy.

John Cabot was born in


Both the Indians and the French believed that

Mixed marriages provided a foundation for trading and military alliances.

How did the French learn to survive in New France?

They adapted to Indian customs and assisted Indian friends against their enemies.

Which of the following statements about Tenochtitlan is not correct?
A. All sorts of goods and services could be found at the city market called Tlateloco.
B. Compared to Paris or Venice, Tenochtitlan was a small, rural village.
C. The city boasted clean streets, markets, and a zoo.
D. Tenochtitlan's neighborhoods were organized according to the inhabitants' wealth and status.

Compared to Paris or Venice, Tenochtitlan was a small, rural village.

What was the attitude of the leaders of Dutch colonialism with regard to Indian territory?

Land must be purchased from Indians before it could be settled.

A major result of the Beaver Wars was that

Indians were never able to replace population loss resulting from warfare.

When a member of an Iroquois clan was lost in battle,

His tribesmen killed or seized a warrior of the offending clan.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest Americans arrived on the continent

By 12,000 BCE.

A spirit of tolerance enabled the Dutch to

Put aside religious conflict and concentrate on trade.

After threats by the Orista Indians in Florida and by England's Sir Francis Drake, the Spanish abandoned all of eastern Louisiana except for St. Augustín because

Spain regarded the area as peripheral to its primary interests.

Sugar production demanded a large labor force. Encomenderos decided to

Replace Indian workers with African workers.

What first attracted French interest in North America?

Fishing in waters near Newfoundland.

The _________ was a business form in England that encouraged the English to invest in founding colonies.

Joint-stock company.

Because the French and English found no gold or silver in areas they claimed in the New World, they

Stole from the Spanish, who did find gold and silver.

During 40 years under Dutch control, the most profitable product of the New Netherlands was


Most colonies established by European nations in the first half of the seventeenth century were

Outposts in the global economy.

The Dutch West India Company decided that the main purpose of its New Netherland colony was

Feeding colonies in Brazil and the Caribbean.

Because Spain became a wealthy nation as a result of her New World colonies,

Other nations wanted colonies so they could become wealthy.

_________ was a Roanoke Indian who appeared to convert to Christianity but eventually returned to the Indian culture and opposed British colonists.


Columbus was born into a world

Influenced by European investors seeking low-risk investments.

How did the Spanish King Phillip II react to explorations by France and England?

He established a string of forts.

Which of the following statements about Tenochtitlan is not correct?


D. Tenochtitlan's neighborhoods were organized according to the inhabitants' wealth and status.

Compared to Paris or Venice, Tenochtitlan was a small, rural village.

Ponce de León was the first European who

Set foot on the mainland that would become the United States.

Why did Henry VIII make Protestantism the official religion of England?

The pope would not dissolve his sonless marriage with Catherine of Aragon.

For the Dutch, toleration, cultural diversity, amicable relations with Indians, and slavery all served what end?

Profiting through trade.

The English experiences in Ireland

Became a model of how the English would treat many Native Americans.

The experience of Don Luis see Velasco or paquiquineo illustrates the

Ease with which European and Indian cultures could interact

What about Don Luis's behavior shocked and scandalized the Spanish Jesuit in 1570

He took several wives

What influences Europeans countries other than portugal and Spain to become active in the new world

Hope for wealth glory and power

Why had the Spanish been comparatively lucky in their colonizing mission to the Americas

Mesoamerica sedentary populations were already familiar with social hierarchies and the paying tribute

What first attracted French interest in North America

Fishing in waters near Newfoundland

Samuel D Champlain

Retracted cartier's route up the st Lawrence river

The term middle ground refers to

An area where European and Indian hunters and traders brought their pelts to trade with predominantly french traders

How did the introduction of European goods contribute to the destruction of Indian cultures

They made them dependent and caused them to abandon their own crafts

In the mercantile system colonies were useful to European countries because they

Provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods

What group dominated the government and economy of the Netherlands after 1648

Prosperous merchants

When Henry Hudsons voyage gave the Dutch a claim to the Hudson River area in 1609 what was he actually seeking

Passage to the pacific ocean

The Dutch west indies company thought the primary value of the new Netherlands was to

Provide food for its more profitable colonies in Brazil and the Caribbean

The Dutch reformed church

Did not oppose slavery

Why did Henry VIII make protestantism the official religion of England

The pope would not dissolve his sonless marriage with Catherine of argon

Why did England conquer Ireland between 1565 and 1576

Irish nobleman refused to submit to the English monarchy

The_________________ was a business firm in England that encourages the English to invest in founding colonies

Joint stock company

The British model for controlling its North American colonies grew out of its experiences in


Choose the correct order in which European nation embraced global colonization

Spain and Portugal then England then the new Netherlands

Who founded quebec

Samuel de Chaplin

What economic system valued colonies as sources of raw materials and a market for excess products

Global trade

Name the beads made from clamshells that Indians use


For the natives, the encomienda resulted in

Forced labor.

The Indians who lived in the New Netherlands used ____________ as a medium of exchange.

Beads made from clamshells.

Why did King Charles charter the Royal Africa Company in 1663?

To carry slaves out of Africa to the British West Indies.

What happened to the surviving members of the Pequot tribe at the end of the Pequot War in 1638?

They were sold into slavery in the colony of Providence Island.

Which of the following about English immigrants to Virginia in the seventeenth century is true?

As many as 90 percent of the migrants to the Chesapeake during that time period came as servants.

According to the author of Two Treatises of Government, what was the purpose of government?

To protect the lives, liberties, and fortunes of people who created it.

In its colonial system,

Canada was of questionable value to France.

British colonies were all

Private ventures financed by individuals or small groups.

Native populations declined because of all of the following reasons except

Increased life spans.

Anthony Johnson, an African who arrived in Virginia in 1621,

Owned slaves.

When Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftsbury, founded the Carolina colony, he wanted a

Society with nobles at the top and serfs at the bottom.

Powhatan, leader of the Powhatan Algonquians in Virginia, expanded his power over other groups of Indians by

Marrying women in different tribes.

Who wrote Two Treatises of Government?

John Locke.

Which of the following statements is not an accurate portrayal of the witchcraft scare?

Accusations of witchcraft were indirectly aimed at men who were advocating political change.

In 1673 French explorers traveled as far down the Mississippi River as

The Arkansas River.

What crop was cultivated by nearly every Native American farming culture?


Why were European diseases such as smallpox, typhus, and influenza so devastating to Native populations?

Each statement is correct.

According to the political theorist Edmund Burke, England's colonies in North America

Developed accidentally.

Roger Williams, one of the founders of Rhode Island, believed

That the king had no right to grant land owned by Indians.

Which statement about the imperial wars is accurate?

Each statement is accurate.

The Third Anglo-Powhatan War resulted in the

First Indian reservation in America.

Why did the combination of corn and beans prove so crucial to the diet of early Americans?

The beans added amino acid to the corn, making the combination as nutritious as meat.

Which of its colonies were of the greatest value to France?

Martinique and Guadeloupe.

Squanto, a Patuxet Indian,

Taught Pilgrims how to grow corn.

How did the Glorious Revolution affect England and its colonies?

It secured constitutional government for British people on both sides of the Atlantic.

Following the arrival of Cortes, the Spanish and Aztecs

Each statement is accurate.

William Penn's colony of Pennsylvania, founded in 1681,

Welcomed members of the Society of Friends, or Quakers.

What was the boldest and most radical assertion of Two Treatises of Government?

Identification of a right of revolution against a government that violated the civil rights of its citizens.

What problem did the Half-Way Covenant try to address?

The growing number of Anglo-Indian marriages.

The victory of New England Puritans over Metacom and the Wampanoag people was a result of

Assistance from the governor of New York and his Mohawk allies.

What impact did the economic opportunities in Pennsylvania and New York have on Virginia?

Virginians found themselves resorting increasingly to slavery.

What enabled the New World slave system to grow so rapidly?

The European demand for plantation crops.

The expansion of French claims from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico after 1682

Cut off westward expansion of English colonies.

How did Pennsylvania settlers undermine William Penn's vision for his proprietary colony?

People lived where and how they wanted without cohesion or regard for hierarchy.

How did the British government view the North American colonies in the first half of the eighteenth century?

As equal brothers

What was similar about King William's War and Queen Anne's War?

They were essentially struggles for power in Europe, both of which resulted in a stalemate.

Carolina was the first colony that

Introduced slavery at the outset.

Why did corn cultivation move so far northward from Mesoamerica?

Like other goods and practices, corn cultivation traveled north on the Mississippi River.

Were pleased that Moctezuma II had voluntarily submitted to Cortés's authority.


Viewed each other with a mixture of curiosity and caution, which eventually grew to fear and violence.


Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and his entourage traveled from

Mexico City to Zuni Pueblo to Kansas.

Totem poles were central to Native American communities in what region?

The Pacific Northwest.

Which of the following statements about Moctezuma is correct?

Also known as Montezuma

Christopher Columbus's theories of exploration were based on

Each statement is accurate...

In Spain's New World culture, the offspring of conquistadors and Indians were known as


Iroquoian political decisions were

Influenced by women because their work in agriculture was highly valued.

Which of the following appears to have been the most important reason for the extinction of the wooly mammoth

Climatic shifts

Why have scholars called mesoamerica the "cradle

The region hosted the first technology advanced civilizations

What crop was cultivated by nearly every native American farming culture


Among other things, the Mississippian people were known for

Building mounds, some for ceremonial purposes and some as burial sites.

Feudalism is a completely hierarchical relationship.


What are the competing narratives for the presence of Native Americans in the New World?

Beringia, "Island Hopping," Native American Origin Stories

European culture:

each of these

Iroquois consisted of the following tribes:

Oneidas, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondagas, Mohawks

When Europeans arrived they found a diverse people, representing?

2000 cultures, who spoke hundreds of different languages.

The Renaissance ushered in many technological changes for European travel, including devices that assisted with measuring longitude.


What types of crops were cultivated by both Meso-Americans and Eastern North Americans Woodland inhabitants?


The Mississippi culture emerged after several of the below innovations.

The use of flint hoes

Martin Luther challenged:

All of these

Mississippi culture drew from both Adena-Hopewellians and Aztecs and dominated the Northeast of North America.


The Crusades contributed to European Exploration in all of the following ways, except:

led to the rise of oligarchic states

Which of the following appears to have been the most important reason for the extinction of the woolly mammoth?

Climactic shifts.

By the end of the fifteenth century, Europeans had little accurate information about Africa because

The Sahara Desert was an obstacle to Europeans traveling south.

The children of Pedro de Alvarado and Tlecuiluatzin (doña Luisa)

Became members of the higher ranks of Spanish society in the New World.

Columbus's attitude toward the Taino or Arawak people and other native people in general was

Each statement is accurate

At the time of European arrival to the New World, technologically Native Americans remained at the level of the Stone Age.


Native Americans have a paternalistic view of property ownership.


Europeans see no delineation between secular and sacred worlds and as a result man resides in the secular.


In some Native American cultures, women"

All of these

Horticulture societies allowed for a more nomadic lifestyle, which in turn led to greater social, political and religious development.


Despite the economic boom for Virginia and Maryland produced by tobacco exports,

Death rates remained high for infants and adults.

To increase the number of workers in Virginia, company officials

Awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to Virginia.

Those known as Separatists

Gave up on reforming the Church of England.

By an Act of Toleration, settlement in Maryland was open to

Those who believed in Jesus Christ.

The Pequot War was the result of all of the following except

The Narragansetts who first promised aid to the Pequots but were paid by the Puritans to remain neutral in the war.

One of the primary benefits to England of the New England colonies was

Its aversion to slavery

Why were religious dissenters so frequently persecuted in late-sixteenth-century and early-seventeenth-century European nations like England?

Religion was a state matter

What did the first English arrivals seek to secure on their arrival in Plymouth?

Community of religious purity

Primary factors dictating how quickly English colonists adopted African slavery included

The need for plantation laborers and availability of slaves at a good price.

England's involvement in Ireland:

Provided England with an experienced generation of soldiers.

Planners for the Massachusetts colony looked to Virginia as a model to establish their own Utopian society.


Elizabeth I was the first English Monarchy to see a permanent colony established in the New World.


Mainstream Puritan theology differed from the Pilgrims in what ways.

Puritans were Calvinists and non-separatists, while Pilgrims were Calvinists and separatists.

Anne Hutchinson's most radical claim was:

each individual had the ability to interpret God's intention because of the inner light present in all of us.

Arminianism is the belief that one obtains salvation by_______.

Free will

Roger Williams argued in favor of:

All of these

Which factors played a role in English exploration and colonization in the New World.

Rivalry with Spain, conflicts with the Catholic Church, Enclosure Acts, desire by Stuarts to be an absolute monarchy.

All colonies settled prior to 1642, (except Massachusetts) were established as corporate colony.


The commitment to increasing England's naval capacity began under Elizabeth, who used revenue from lands taken away from the Catholic Church.


John Winthrop ________.

was the first Governor of Massachusetts.

Most English settlers believed

That Indians were incapable of conversion to the English way of life.

Unlike Virginia, the colony of Maryland

Belonged to the king alone.

Which of the following contributed to an environment that allowed slavery to take root in the English colonies?

A weak colonial government.

Why did King James I grant charters to investors in Plymouth and London in 1606 to establish colonies in North America?

To provide income for merchants since peace with Spain had curtailed raids against that nation's ships.

To address the colony's labor problem, Virginia governor John Rolfe

Introduced the first public works projects in American history

One central cause leading to Bacon's Rebellion was the emerging planter-class elites use of their political power to ensure their economic power, by limiting the amount of fertile land available for cultivation.


Virginia moved immediately to the use of slaves, instead of indentured servants because of cheaper costs and life expectancy in the colony.


What were some of the factors leading to Bacon's Rebellion?

unanswered demand for land, indentured expected to gain land once their servitude ended, low wages for former indentured servants.

James I granted a charter to two companies to explore and colonize the New World. What were their names and locations?

Virginia Company of London in Virginia and Plymouth Company of London in Maine.

Generally speaking, after the American Revolution

Moderates advocated nationalism and radicals favored local control.

Moderates in the Continental Congress

Conceded that war preparations were indeed necessary.

Ratification of the new constitution was

All of the above

The American Revolution succeeded because

Moderates and radicals reversed previous attitudes toward class and political conflict and maintained an effective alliance.

What prompted 20,000 Massachusetts militia to assemble in Boston in the spring of 1775?

The expulsion of Governor Gage and eviction of redcoats.

The Quaker _________ launched the first antislavery movement in 1754 when he condemned the institution on humanitarian and religious terms.

John Woolman

In addition to his military experience, George Washington's appointment to lead the Continental army had what benefit?

It helped solidify the alliance between New England and the South.

Why did France become involved in the American Revolution?

To break up the British Empire and reestablish France as the most powerful nation in the world.

What important lesson did the British learn from their experience in the battle on Breed's Hill?

Do not make frontal assaults against fortified positions.

What were the Federalist Papers?

Commentaries on the Constitution written during the struggle for ratification.

What was a significant change in governments in America produced by the Revolution?

Greater participation was exercised by more ordinary men.

The Articles of Confederation, as envisioned by John Dickinson,

Proposed a weak central government that could not lay taxes or regulate commerce between its constituent states.

When American settlers moved westward, they usually

Expected government to secure land for them and protect them from Indians.

By late spring of 1776, most members of Congress

Desired a declaration of independence or thought it inevitable.

What impact did revolutionary ideals have on African slavery in the former English colonies?

Every state north of Delaware banned slavery.

The _________ banned slavery from expanding in territory north of the Ohio River.

Northwest Ordinance.

Which of the following best summarizes the Continental Army's expedition to Québec in Canada?

Although it was an unmitigated disaster, the failed attempt at capturing Québec only increased American resolve.

How did Indians react to the American Revolution?

Overall, more Indians sided with England than with the rebels.

According to the philosophy Thomas Jefferson expressed in the Declaration of Independence, what was the primary responsibility of government?

To protect the natural rights of people.

How did Virginia's Governor Lord Dunmore intensify the crisis in the colonies in 1775?

He promised slave runaways from rebels freedom for military service.

Which of the following clauses did the Continental Congress delete from the Declaration of Independence?

The claim that King George had forced African slaves on the colonists.

How were loyalists treated after the American Revolution ended?

There was little retribution after the war.

What was Washington's basic tactic during the Revolutionary War?

To lead the British on chases because he lacked sufficient soldiers to confront them

England's use of mercenary troops was

The norm rather than the exception.

How did farmers under the leadership of Daniel Shays hope to end the collection of debts?

They shut down the courts

During the American Revolution, American women

Generally supported and participated in protests and boycotts

The conflict between large states and small states was resolved by the

Great Compromise

What strategy did Nathanael Greene pursue in his campaign against the British in the South?

A wild chase interrupted by small Continental victories.

What offered the greatest opportunity for profit and prosperity once the Revolutionary War ended?

Speculation in land and currency.

In view of economic woes under the Articles of Confederation, what group of commerce-minded political leaders advocated a strong central government?


Old lights:

All of these

The use of the term "Salutary Neglect" refers to significant enforcement of the Navigation Acts in the colonies between 1714-1750.


Mercantilism represented:

newly emerging commercial economy

Both the Enlightenment and the First Great Awakening promoted a more hierarchical outlook.


Thomas Hobbes was a British philosopher who wrote Leviathan.


Colonies that welcomed the widest variety of immigrants

Were the most prosperous

Social activity in colonial cities was

Greatly stratified, yet brought people of all classes together

All major cities in colonial America were

Ports or centers for the fur trade.

The economy of colonial America was shaped by shortages of land and


The rate of population growth of Africans in colonial society was

Even more dramatic than that of Europeans.

Most colonial men whose wives died

Remarried quickly to have someone to care for the household and children

The term "industrious revolution" refers to

People producing more so they would have more income to spend.

British troops sent to Boston in 1768 were

Supposed to maintain order and enforce customs regulations.

Regarding the quartering of British troops for the winter in homes of colonists in Philadelphia, Ben Franklin

Convinced them to occupy a new hospital building instead.

According to republican thought,

Republics failed because citizens lost their virtue.

The Albany Plan of Union, although unsuccessful, was an

Attempt at collective defense against France and its Indian allies

How did Miami chieftain Memeskia react when English traders from Pennsylvania reached the Ohio River valley?

He welcomed them because their trade goods were better and cheaper than French goods.

By the Proclamation of 1763, the British government hoped to

Confine colonists to an area east of the Allegheny Mountains.

The most successful method of keeping Indian groups pacified was

Gifts of trade goods

Why did Massachusetts frequently support imperial war efforts?

Many in that colony looked to conquer French Quebec

Anglicization is seen as a cause of the American Revolution because:

refers to the increasing identification with England and an expectation that the colonists were to be treated like Englishmen.

Hobbes contributions to the rise of the Enlightenment are:

a pessimistic view of man and a need for an all powerful government

The largest number of immigrants to the American colonies in the eighteenth century were


In the eighteenth century, people on both sides of the Atlantic developed an interest in a lifestyle known as


Enlightenment thinkers

Believed in rational thinking and scoffed at superstition.

The Great Awakening in the 1740s was a

Revival movement with an emotional appeal

An increase in the shipbuilding industry in colonial America also stimulated what other industry?

Lumber production

German immigrants tended to settle

In the backcountry from Pennsylvania to the Carolinas.

An export shipment from New England in the middle of the eighteenth century would have most likely consisted of

Power is always dangerous and those who wield it must be watched carefully.

The concept of virtual representation held that

Each member of Parliament acted on behalf of the whole empire.

Between 1675 and 1763, when war was more common than peace,

Indians took more than 1,600 New England settlers as captives.

In the decisive battle of Quebec,

British commander James Wolfe and French commander Montcalm were killed.

What was Parliament's attitude following the repeal of the Stamp Tax?

They passed the Declaratory Act, which asserted Parliament's power and authority over the colonies.

What was Parliament's purpose in legislation permitting the British East India Company to send tea directly to America?

To save the company from bankruptcy.

The American Revolution grew out of

Britain's ineffective effort to govern the enlarged empire it gained after victory over France in 1763.

Indentured servants (for the most part) did not have right of redress against masters.


Indentured servitude in the New World differed from indentured servitude in England because _________.

it was based on a credit system

European indentured servants were known as _________.


Indentured servitude provided a contractual (civil) solution to public problems (homelessness and need for labor in the New Word).


What factor(s) prompted the shift from indentured servants to slaves as a labor force in the second half of the 17th century?

All of these

New England towns were usually governed by

Adult male property owners at a town meeting.

By the Petition of Right, passed in 1628, Parliament

Reaffirmed traditional rights about taxation, arrest, and quartering soldiers in private homes.

In the colonial period, Indian wars

Usually pitted one group of Europeans and their Indian allies against another group of Europeans and their allies.

Indentured servitude: ________.It organized labor, financed immigration, served as criminal punishment, and caring for and taking care of orphans.

All of these

In New England, virtually all vocational instruction took place

In a home

Wampanoag chieftain Metacom, or King Philip,

Occupied land claimed by Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Rhode Island.

Until about 1660, what was Carolina's most valuable commodity?


What connected Europeans of the seventeenth century to the island of Barbados?

Sugar grown on the island.

Because of colonial opposition, the Stamp Tax was

Never enforced

King George's War (1744-1748) began

Over succession to the Austrian throne.

The result of the Puritans' attack on the Pequot village of Mystic on May 26, 1637, was

Pequot men, women, and children were murdered by Puritans.

From Maya and Aztec writings and other cultural indications, we can conclude that

Maya and Aztec people lived in a complex political world complete with alliances with different groups.

What does the case of Mary Dyer in 1660 illustrate?

Quakers were willing to defy authority even at their own personal risk and expense

The War of Jenkins's Ear primarily represented a British effort to

Expand into Spanish territory and markets in America.

The Covenant Chain

Enhanced the alliance between the British and the Iroquois in New York.

The Great Awakening

Tended to split church membership

Working people in colonial cities

Sometimes resorted to mob action to assert their political views.

Sir Francis Drake is best known as a

Privateer who helped defeat the Spanish Armada.

Hernando de Soto led the expedition that

Explored the southeastern part of the United States, including the Mississippi River.

By the end of the colonial period, what portion of the English merchant fleet had been built in America?


What enabled George Washington's victory over Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown?

Assistance from French soldiers and the French fleet

Why did the European monarchs refuse to finance Columbus's venture?

Each monarch assumed Columbus had miscalculated the earth's circumference

How did the Glorious Revolution shape England's foreign affairs?

The successful completion of the revolution prompted England's leaders to ban any further westward expansion in the colonies.

Any newcomer to a colonial town was most likely learn the most about the place and its people by

Talking to people at the taverns.

Chesapeake planters modeled themselves after

English country gentlemen.

What was the effect of colonial resistance to the Townshend taxes?

Politicization of ordinary men and women grew more intense with each incident.

How did planters keep their slaves busy all year?

Diversifying crops

Which event directly preceded the Boston Massacre?

The Liberty riot.

Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?

Spanish colonists were trying to sell Pueblo Indians into slavery.

The first clear evidence of enslavement of Africans in mainland English colonies is

The fact that Maryland's Assembly guaranteed rights to all Christians except slaves

The Five Nations or Great League of Peace

Curtailed the mourning wars among Iroquois in upper New York.

Why did Carolina's governor complain that slaves were "running dayly" to Florida?

Spaniards paid them wages and introduced them to Catholicism.

Time that Africans spent aboard ship en route to enslavement in America was called

Middle passage.

Malinche was

A woman who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help Cortes

By the time of Columbus's voyage to the Americas,

- American man and women had successfully adapted to environmental changes

- Hunters and gatherers had learned to exploit the region they lived in


- Native Americans had lived on the continent for generations


Among other, the Mississippi people were known for

Building mounds

Among the Iroquoi, political stuff was influenced by


______ was cultivated by nearly every Native American tribe.


The Spanish soldiers who fought in the Reconquista were influenced _______.

In part by their Christian faith and promises of wealth and glory

While the Spanish were occupied expelling Muslims, Portugal was

Developing ship technology that enable her sailors to explore the coast of Africa

Each monarch assumed

Columbus miscalculated the Earth's circumference

The Treaty of Tordesillas

Divided new and old world between Spain and Portugal

Ponce de Leon was the first European that

Set foot on on the mainland of what was to be the United States (in Florida)

Which statement is false about Tenochtitlan?

Compared to Paris or Vienna, it was a small village

Despite their motive to get rid of the Spanish, Native Americans lost battles to the Spanish because

They could not compete with the European technology (especially steel weapons)

Hernan de Soto led the expedition that

Explored the Southern part of the US including parts of the Mississippi

The Spaniards in the American southwest finally abandoned the region because

They found nothing of value to keep them there

A sharp decline in the Indian population following the arrival of European because

Diseases were introduced inadvertently by Europeans

The term _______ suggests the consequences of blending plants, animals, and humans along with their diseases from Europe and the new wold

Colombian Exchange

The Colombian Exchange refers to the process by which --

Goods, germs, and ideas traveled from the Old World to the New World and the New World to the Old World

The dramatic change in Indian culture produced by the arrival of of Spain was the

Conversion of plains Native Americans to a horse culture

Spain's new world culture, the offspring of conquistadores and Native Americans were known as


In the Europeans eyes, North America was seen as an obstacle, why?

They were looking for a water route to Asia

How did Spanish King Phillip the 2nd react to explorations by France and England?

He established a ring of forts

French crews traded for beaver pelts used in France to make what?

Felt hats

When a member of an Iroquois clan was lost in battle, what would happen?

Tribesmen seized and killed a warrior of the offending clan

Samuel de Champlain-

Retraced Cartier's route up the St. Lawrence river

The huge European demand for beaver pelts-

Led Native Americans to kill more beaver then could be replenished or replaced by natural reproduction

Under the theory of mercantilism, what was a nation's economic objective?

To secure as much of the world's wealth as possible

In the mercantile system, colonies were useful to European countries because-

They provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods

When Henry Hudson's voyage gave the Dutch a claim to the Hudson River valley area in 1609, what was he actually seeking?

Passage to the Pacific Ocean (fabled Northwest Passage)

What was the attitude of the leaders of Dutch colonialism with regard to Indian Territory?

They believed land must be purchased from the Native Americans before it could be settled.

The Native Americans who lived in the new Netherlands used-

Clam shells as a medium of exchange (wampum)

When control of New Netherlands transitioned from Holland to England

The transition was relatively quiet (peaceful) [in return the British gave Holland a spice island near Indonesia]

Sir Francis Drake is best known as

A privateer who helped defeat the Spanish Armada

The _______________ was a business form in England that exchanged and encouraged the English to invest in the colonies.

Joint Stock Company

When Christopher Columbus reached the New World in 1492, he found

hundreds of cultures with nearly 400 different languages

When Christopher Columbus sailed westward seeking Asia, his goal was

to find new lands for Spain to conquer and exploit.

How did Isabel decree that native Americans be regarded by her government

as vassals subject to the Crown of Spain.

A sharp decline in the Indian population followed the arrival of Europeans because

diseases were introduced in advertently by the Spanish

What influenced European countries other than Portugal and Spain to become active in the New World

hope for wealth, glory, and power.

In the mercantile system, colonies were useful to European countries because they

provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods

The first English colony at Roanoke

mysteriously disappeared and the British government made no real effort to determine the fate of the missing colonists.

John Rolfe's marriage to Powhatan's daughter Pocahontas

established an alliance that ended the First Anglo-Powhatan War.

The European demand for tobacco

led to the removal of Indians from their land and attracted both indentured servants and slaves to Virginia.

The Virginia colony was

the first successful English colony in North America

What was a notable characteristic of Jamestown during its first decade

an appallingly high mortality rate

By 1619, cultivation of tobacco

created an economic boom in Virginia

To increase the number of workers in Virginia,company officials

Awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to Virginia.(HEAD RIGHT)

Perhaps 90 percent of those who migrated to the Chesapeake region in the 17th century came as

indentured servants

What was the primary impetus behind the Massachusetts settlements


Those who founded the Plymouth colony in 1620 were the only colonists who should be called


The founding of the Church of England during the reign of Henry VIII was related to

a sispute between the kind and the pope over a divorce

Puritans wanted to

eliminate aspects of Roman Catholicism from the church of England

The Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower were

supposed to go to the Chesapeake area to help develop Virgina

The survival of the Plymouth colony was made possible by

assistance from friendly Indians

One way New Englanders differed from Chesapeake colonists is that they

migrated as families rather than as individuals

New Englanders mostly profited from

selling timber, wood products, and fish

Roger Williams advocated

separation of church and state

Anne Hutchinson was forced out of Massachusetts for

criticism of its clergy and the Puritan doctrine of "Preparation"

Although they had separate governments, Virginia and Maryland

shared an agricultural economy based on the production of tobacco

Although settled two decades later, New England was able to keep pace with the Chesapeake colonies becaue

its people lived in a healthier region

The bloodless, or Glorious, revolution in 1688

placed Mary and William, both Protestants on the throne

Mercantilism defined a nation's wealth by the

potential earnings it possessed through trade with colonies or nations

William Penn's colony of Pennsylvania , founded in 1681

welcomed members of the Society of Friends, or Quakers

Nathaniel Bacon advocated

war against all Indians

African slavery, because it was based on race, was


Under slave codes prevailing in colonial America

ownership was hereditary and passed from mother to child

In contrast to Southern colonist, most New Englanders

enjoyed a comfortable, if modest, standard of living

The Glorious Revolution, in addition to making Parliament the most powerful branch of British government, had what result

It ushered in a period of political stability that enabled Britain to become the world's most powerful nation

The vast majority of those accused of witchcraft in New England in the 17th century were


Acquiring horses made Plains indians

more effective buffalo hunters and more warlike.

At the time of Christopher Columbus's first voyage, most Europeans

acknowledged that the world was round but did not understand its dimensions.

Iroquoian political decisions were

dictatorial and controlled by the hunters in the group
influenced by women because their work in agriculture was highly valued
determined by theleague of five nations which was also called

influenced by women because their work in agriculture was highly valued

malinche was

the name of cortes ship
a women who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help columbus
moctezumas confident and advisor
a women who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help cortes

a woman who used her linguistic and cultural knowledge to help cortes

native populations declined because of all all of the following reasons except

disruption of normal native traditions
declining birthrate
increased life span

increased lifespan

while the spanish were occupied expelling muslims, portugal was

locked in a bloody civil war
developing ship technology that enabled her sailors to explore the coast of africa
developing the printing press
protecting her overland trade routes to china

developing ship technology that enabled her sailors to epxplore the coast of africa

the columbian exchange refers to the process by which

goods, germs, and ideas travel from the old world to the new world
the environments in both the old and new world changed and that in turn changed the plants and animals
good, germs and ideas travel from the new to the old world
goods, germs, and ideas travel from the old world to the new world and the new world to the old world

goods, germs, and ideas travel from the old world to the new world and the new world to the old world

the most profitable commodity produced on north american spanish plantations in 1500s was



the treaty of todesillas

divided the discovered world between spain and portugal
created what we now call the international date line, which divides the globe
gave pope alexander VI the authority to approve native baptisims
gave portugal to spain

divided the discovered world between spain and portugal

which of the following statements about tenochtitlan is not correct

the city boasted clean streets, markets, and a zoo
compared to paris or venice, tenochtitlan was a small village
tenochtitlans neighborhoods were organized according to the inhabitants wealth and status
all sorts of goods and services could be found at the city market called tlatlolco

compared to paris or venice, tenochtitlan was a small village

barolome de las casas and juan gines de sepulveda were

lawyers representing columbus and king carlos V in a dispute over the exact value of columbus contract

combatants debating the rights of native americans

government officials debating the place of native american in spains newly developed tax code

spanish diplomats who were charged with drafting a moral set of lows regulating native labor

government officials debating the place of native americans in spains newly developed tax code

what crop was cultivated by nearly every native american farming culture



the native people who lived in the more northern regions of the continent and along the coastline are

hunters and gatherers
famers in very isolated area
each statement is correct

each statement is correct

ferdinand and isabel

married in1485
forced defeated people in spain to convert to christianity or leave the country
were timid rulers who tried to please everyone
each statement is accurate

forced defeated people in spain to convert to christianity or leave the country

a sharp decline in the indian population followed the arrival of europeans because

diseases were introduced inadvertently by the spanish
food production could not support both native americans and europeans
many moved away to avoid contact with europeans
spanish soldiers killed so many trying to convert them to spanish culture

diseases were introduced inadvertently by the spanish

ponce de leon was the first european who

convinced aztecs to accept spanish authority so they could perserve their religion
discovered gold in the new world
sailed around the world in a coninuous voyage
set foot on the mainland that would become the united states

set foot on the mainland that would become the
united states

despite their motivation to get rid of the spanish, native americans lost the battles to the spanish because

the aztecs and others had horses but no guns
the aztecs and others could compete against advanced european technology
they were occupied most of the time trying to take spanish soldiers as prisoners of war
the spanish outnumbered the native warriors

the aztecs and others could not compete against advanded european technology

between 1455 and 1485, england was

content to stay out of the argument between protestants and catholics
torn by dynastic struggle known as the war of the roses
under seige by the spanish
undergoing the enclosure movement

torn by a dynastic struggle known as the war of the roses

a major result of the beavers war was that

france increased its influence in north america
fur prices rose even higher
holland lost control of the new netherlands to england
native american were never able to replace population loss warfare

native american were never able to replace
population loss to warfare

the beavers wars erupted when

algonquians violated sacred ground claimed by powhatans
demand for fur in europe increased
fur pelt yield dwindled because of over trapping
the hurons cut off trade between the iroquois and the french

the huron cut off trade between the iroquois and the french

the hakluyt cousins argued that developing north american colonies would enable england to

dominate the world gold market
free itself of economic dependency on other nations
move ahead of portugal in the slave trade
resolve its problem with ireland

free itself of economic dependency on other nations

sir francis drake is best known as a

founder of the first english colony of roanoke
leader of the church of england during its separation from rome
privateer who helped defeat the spanish armada
religious leader who opposed the introduction of slave in the new world on moral ground

privateer who helped defeat the spanish armada

the ________ was a business form in england that encouraged the english to invest in founding colonies

joint stock company
venture capital firm

joint stock company

the first english colony at roanoke was

abondoned by its founders following disagreement over religous issues
abandoned by the british because it served no useful economic or military purpose
crushed by a powerful indian alliance
deserted when colonists mitinied against their govenor

abandoned by the british because it served no useful economic or military purpose

when henry hudsons voyage gave the dutch a claim to the hudson river area in 1609, what was he actually seeking?

beaver pelts
fresh fruits for crewmen suffering with scurvy
haven from a fierce hurricane
passage to the pacific ocean

passage to the pacific ocean

under the theory of mercantilism, what was a nations economic objective?

to keep employment rates high
to keep government influence in business affairs at a minimum
to maintain a balance between interest rates and investments
to secure as much of the worlds wealth as possible

to secure as much of the worlds wealth as possible

in the mercantile system, colonies were useful to european countries because they

absorbed products of other countries
could be counted on for manpower in case of war
had significant amounts of gold available in case of need
provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods

provided raw materials and markets for manufacture goods

english men and women from the lowest rank of society who agreed to work in exchange for passage money to the colonies were known as

contract labor
indentured servants
undocumented workers
wage slaves

indenture servants

what was a notable characteristic of jamestown during its first decade

an appallingly high mortality rate
good rapport with native americans
industry demonstrated by settlers eager to make the colony successful
instant prosperity

an appallingly high mortality rate

to increase the number of workers in Virginia, company officials

awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to virginia
did not enforce strict immigration laws
lowered income tax rates and increased the amount of deductible expenses
provided new colonists free food for one year

awarded 50 acres of land to those who came or brought another person to virginia

the house of burgesses was the first

act of religous toleration in english history
elected representative government in the new world
place where businessmen could buy and sell stocks in america
puritan equivalent of the house of david

elected representative governemtn in the new world

maryland was the first _____colony among the english settlements in north america



by an act of toleration, settlement in maryland was open to

atheists and agnostics who denied the existence of a diety
jews and muslims
persons of any faith
those who believed in jesus christ

person of any faith

the adoption of slave labor in the english colonies was determined by

the number of convicts available in the region
the need for plantation laborers and the availabilty of african slaves at a good price
the results of wars fought by the british in africa
no statement is accurate

the need for plantation laborers and the availabity of african slaves at a good price

what is true of the first africans who reached virginia in 1619

they were brought by spanish traders from cuba
they were indentured servatns, not slaves
it is not clear whether they were indentured severvant or slaves
they sought some sanctuary from religous persecution

it is not clear whether they were indentured servant or slaves

in chesapeake society

women found themselves free from govt and fam contril
women worked alongside men in the fields
children contributed to the familys economic success
each statement is correct

each statement is correct

primary factors dictating how quickly english colonists adopted african slavery included

geography, as only southern colonists owned slaves, and how long the colony had been in existence
government policy and the attitude of the clergy
the need for plantation laborers and availabilty of slaves at a good price
the size of families and distance from slave markets

the need for plantation laborers and availabilty of slaves ata good price

despite the economic boom for virginia and maryland produced by tobacco exports

birthrates soared because families could support more children
death rates remained high for infants and adults
most colonist reject slavery on moral grounds
morality was strictly enforced

most colonist rejected slavery on moral grounds

infant mortality in the chesapeake region during the first century of english colonization was

approximately one half of all children born
noticeably higher among protestants than catholics
one reason why women married so late in life
remarkably rare, given the high death rate among adults

approximately one half of all children born

what was the primary impetus behind the massachusetts settlements

blocking the french
getting rid of excess populatoin in england


the new england colonies benefited from

absence of religious dissent
better relations with native americans than chesapeake colonists
more aid from the english governemtn
prohibiting the introduction of slavery

better relations with native american than chesapeake colonists

the swiss protestant reformer john calvin

advocated a benevolent theology that offered salvation to everyone
believed god ordained who would be saved even before they were born
encourage henry VII to abandon the church of england
nailed a copy of his disagreements with the pope on the door of the cathedral in geneva

believed god ordained who would be saved even before they were born

puritans wanted to

eliminated aspects of roman catholicism from the church of england
increase the sale of wholesome foods and fabrics
preserve the chastity marriage
prevent the sale of selected item on sundaya

eliminate aspects of roman atholicism from the church of england

those known as separatists

agreed that the king should be granted a divorce from catherine of aragon so he could remarry
beleived in arminian creed
gave up on reforming the church of england

gave up on refroming the church of england

the surival of they plymouth colony was made possible by

assistance from friendly native americans
careful planning by company officials
the leadership of miles standish and jonathon winthrop

assistance from friendly native americans

the success of they plymouth colony demonstrated that

new england could be be inhabitated by europeans and that effective diplomatic relations with native americans were crucial

puritanisim worked better than anglicanism in north america

the city on an hill concept helped attract colonists

new england could be be inhabitated by europeans and that effective diplomatic relations with native americans were crucial

one new way englanders differed from chesapeake colonist is that they

built more pernament shelters
had a greater faith that god would help them
migrated as families rather than as individuals
mostly came from northern england rather than southern england

migrated as families rather than as individuals

new england towns were usually governed by

adult male property owners at a town meeting
officials appointed by the english government
representatives elected by the people

adult male property owners at a town meeting

one of the primary benefits to england of the new england colonies was

access to timber for ship construction
agricultural production, especially cotton and indigo
having aplace to send puritan

access to timber for ship construction

puritan families valued

those who could testify to a filling experience
few children so each child whould have more support
harmany and order int the home

harmany and order in the home

roger williams advocated

equality of those who had been filled with the holy spirit and those who continued to wait for it

sending coloniests who refused to work back to england

separation of church and state

separation of church and state

aside from location, the biggest difference between chesapeake bay and the new england colonys was

disease were common only in the new england colonies
colonies in both regions established themselves very quickly
english colonists went to new england and french colonies went the chesapeake bay
all of the english colonies in america except in new england were established to make money for the mother country

all of the english colonies in america except in new england were established to make money for the mother country

mercantilism defined a nations wealth by the

amount of gold and silver it possessed
number of new world colonies it developed
potential earnings it possessed
volume of its exports

amount of gold and silver it possessed

william penns colony of pennsylvania, founded in 1681,

grew rapidly because of its good atlantic ports and beaches
had more slaves than any other english colony
welcomed members of the society of friends or quakers

welcomed members of the society of friends or quakers

what was the boldest and most radical assertion of two treaties of government

an issue of home rule and also who should rule at home
identification of a right of revolution against a government that violated the civil rights of its citizens
not taxation without representation
seperataion of church and state

identification of a right of revolution against a government that violated the civil rights of its citizens

according to the author of two treaties of government, what was the purpose of government

to ensure domestic tranquility
to maintain a favorable balance of trade with other nations
to protect the lives, liberties, and fortunes of people who created it
to provide security from foreign foes

to protect the lives, liberties, and fortunes of people who created it

nathaniel bacon advocated

an end to the mercantile system
campaighns against the susquehannocks but not the powhattan native americans
equality of opportunity for europeans, africans and native americans in america
war against all native americans

war against all native americans

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