At which stage of team development has conflict has been resolved and team unity and harmony emerge?

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Page 315 - leadership-experience-2008

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CikguOnline CikguOnline 296 PART 4: THE LEADER AS A RELATIONSHIP BUILDER Exhibit 10.2 Stages of Team Development Forming: Orientation, break the ice Leader: Facilitate social interchanges Storming: Conflict, disagreement Leader: Encourage participation, surface differences Norming: Establishment of order and cohesion Leader: Help clarify team roles, norms, values Performing: Cooperation, problem solving Leader: Facilitate task accomplishment on common interests. The team is characterized by a general lack of unity and cohesiveness. It is essential that teams move beyond this stage or they will never achieve high performance. The leader’s role is to encourage participation by each team member and help them find their common vision and values. Members need to debate ideas, surface conflicts, disagree with one another, and work through the uncertainties and confl icting perceptions about team tasks and goals. Norming Norming At the norming stage, conflict has been resolved and team unity and Norming stage of team development stage of team development harmony emerge. Consensus develops as to who the natural team leaders are, in which confl icts have been in which confl icts have been resolved and team unity emerges resolved and team unity emerges and members’ roles are clear. Team members come to understand and accept one another. Differences are resolved and members develop a sense of cohesiveness. This stage typically is of short duration and moves quickly into the next stage. The team leader should emphasize openness within the team and continue to facilitate communication and clarify team roles, values, and expectations. Performing Performing Performing During the performing stage, the major emphasis is on accomplishing stage of team development in stage of team development in the team’s goals. Members are committed to the team’s mission. They interact which the major emphasis is on which the major emphasis is on accomplishing the team’s goals accomplishing the team’s goals frequently, coordinate their actions, and handle disagreements in a mature, pro- ductive manner. Team members confront and resolve problems in the interest of task accomplishment. At this stage, the team leader should concentrate on facilitating high task performance and helping the team self-manage to reach its goals.

At which stage of team development does conflict typically occur?

Stage 2: Storming stage In this stage, team members are in the process of learning how to work together. As team members begin collaborating, conflicts may arise, whether that's from clashing personalities or opinions on how a project should progress.

Which stage of team development requires the manager to create conflict resolution strategies?

Storming The storming stage of group development is the most challenging because it involves getting everyone to work together effectively. To progress past this phase, managers must have conflict resolution skills and recognize issues head-on.

At what stage of team development does a team resolve issues of leadership procedure and purpose?

During the norming stage team members start to resolve any issues and settle into working together as a team. The team leader should check-in with team members to help things stay on track and look for opportunities to provide leadership support where needed.

During which stage of development does a team resolve differences and accept each other?

During the Norming stage of team development, team members begin to resolve the discrepancy they felt between their individual expectations and the reality of the team's experience.


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