All of the following are guidelines for conducting an effective interview except ________.

Chapter 7

Employee selection

Multiple choice questions

1. In their selection processes, employers are giving increasing emphasis to:

a. computer-based skills.

*b. behavioural and attitudinal characteristics.

c. assessment centres.

d. unstructured interviews.

General Feedback:

Page 252. Learning Objective 1. Factual. Many organisations are focussing on job applicants'

cultural fit and thus on attitudes and behaviours in their selection decisions believing that job

skills are more trainable.

2. Selection criteria should:

a. include all the performance indicators identified in recruitment.

b. correspond closely to how a job is performed now and in the future.

*c. be consistent with the organisation's strategic direction and culture.

d. reflect the standard of applicants from which a choice is to be made.

General Feedback:

Page 252. Learning Objective 1. Factual. An organisation's success depends on it having the right

people in the right place at the right time. The strategic business objectives and culture should

determine the people selected.

3. Which of the following is not one of the major research findings about interviewing?

a. Interviewees who play hard to get are rated more highly.

b. Unfavourable information outweighs favourable information.

c. Interviewers' post-interview ratings are highly related to their pre-interview impressions.

*d. Interviewers are less likely to change their initial opinion of the applicant from positive to

negative than from negative to positive.

General Feedback:

Page 267. Learning Objective 5. Factual. Research has shown that interviewers are more likely

to change their initial opinion from positive to negative.

A reliable employment test will most likely yield ________.

  1. consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test
  2. improved scores when a person takes the same test more than once in a single day
  3. similar scores when two different people are administered the test at different times
  4. high scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test on different occasions

1. Consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test

According to experts, most people are hired for their qualifications and fired for their ________.

  1. physical limitations
  2. lack of aptitude
  3. nonperformance
  4. psychological issues

All of the following are used for estimating reliability of a test EXCEPT ________.

  1. test-retest estimate
  2. content validity measurement
  3. internal comparison estimate
  4. equivalent form estimate

2. Content validity measurement

After creating questions for a structured situational interview, ________ need to be developed for scoring purposes.

  1. grade definitions
  2. benchmark answers
  3. human resource metrics
  4. alternative rankings

All of the following will most likely improve the structure of an interview EXCEPT ________.

  1. rating candidate answers against a scale
  2. using a standardized interview form
  3. using the same questions for all candidates
  4. asking candidates to describe themselves

4. Asking candidates to describe themselves

According to a survey conducted by the American Management Association, most employers who administer tests to applicants are measuring ________.

  1. ethical opinions
  2. interpersonal behaviors
  3. psychological behaviors
  4. job skills

All of the following are examples of self-reported personality tests EXCEPT ________.

  1. Myers Briggs Test
  2. Guilford-Zimmerman Survey
  3. Minnesota Paper Form Board Test
  4. Make a Picture Story

All of the following are common characteristics of computerized selection interviews EXCEPT ________.

  1. questions focused on experience and skills
  2. questions presented rapidly
  3. response times measured for any delays
  4. essay questions based on hypothetical situations

4. Essay questions based on hypothetical situations

According to studies, which of the following has the most influence on the outcome of a job interview?

  1. thank-you notes sent from the candidate to the interviewer
  2. favorable information about the candidate
  3. a candidate's extroverted personality
  4. an interviewer's first impression of the candidate

4. An interviewer's first impression of the candidate

A manager who begins an interview by asking the applicant about the weather is most likely attempting to ________.

  1. seek a spontaneous answer from the candidate
  2. assess the candidate's interpersonal skills
  3. put the candidate at ease
  4. identify the candidate's leadership abilities

3. Put the candidate at ease 

All of the following are measured by aptitude tests EXCEPT ________.

  1. temperament
  2. memory
  3. numerical ability
  4. deductive reasoning

A(n) ________ is a multi-day simulation in which candidates perform realistic tasks in hypothetical situations and are scored on their performance.

  1. applicant personality test
  2. situational judgment test
  3. work sampling event
  4. management assessment center

4. Management assessment center

According to state and federal laws, which of the following actions is NOT required of employers who check background information on applicants?

  1. providing a detailed rationale explaining the reason for any adverse action
  2. disclosing to the applicant that a credit report will be requested
  3. providing copies of reports to the applicant if adverse action is considered
  4. certifying to the reporting agency of the employer's legal compliance

1. Providing a detailed rationale explaining the reason for any adverse action

All of the following are most likely assessed on personality tests EXCEPT ________.

  1. introversion
  2. emotional stability
  3. sensitivity
  4. reasoning

According to experts known as human lie detectors, which of the following characteristics most likely indicates that a job candidate is being deceptive?

  1. uncrossed legs
  2. unchanging pupils
  3. slow verbal responses
  4. irregular breathing

According to surveys of HR managers, which of the following is most frequently verified during an employment background investigation?

  1. credit ratings
  2. age
  3. references
  4. driving records

All of the following are guidelines for conducting an effective interview EXCEPT ________.

  1. asking the candidate questions that require yes or no answers
  2. showing courtesy and friendliness towards the candidate
  3. scheduling a private room for the interview
  4. taking brief notes during the interview

1. Asking the candidate questions that require yes or no answers

According to the text, selection interviews are classified by all of the following factors EXCEPT ________.

  1. length
  2. administration
  3. content
  4. structure

A series of job-relevant questions with predetermined answers that interviewers ask of all applicants for a job is known as a ________.

  1. nondirective situational interview
  2. nondirective behavioral interview
  3. structured behavioral interview
  4. structured situational interview

4. Structured situational interview

According to the American Psychological Association, all of the following are rights of test takers EXCEPT the right to expect ________.

  1. informed consent regarding the use of test results
  2. tests to be the only selection tools for a job
  3. fairness of the test for all who take it
  4. scores to be interpreted by qualified individuals

2. Tests to be the only selection tools for a job

Which of the following are guidelines before conducting an interview?

8 guidelines for conducting interviews.
Establish position requirement priorities. ... .
Communicate with human resources. ... .
Put together a diverse hiring team. ... .
Develop a welcoming environment. ... .
Avoid asking personal or unfit questions. ... .
Document the interview process. ... .
Maintain neutral body language. ... .
Ensure all questions are job-relevant..

What is the first step in conducting an effective interview?

How to Conduct an Effective Interview.
Put the applicant at ease. Make eye contact and establish rapport by finding a shared topic to talk about before you get down to the hard questions. ... .
Ask open-ended questions. ... .
Listen more, talk less. ... .
Take notes. ... .
Understand what you can't ask..

Which of the following characteristics of an interview would most likely raise concerns?

Answer and Explanation: The answer is "C" subjective interview questions are the most likely to raise concerns about interview discrimination. Subjective questions are not likely to be pre-approved, and may be subject to personal bias or discrimination.

Which of the following statements is representative of what might be asked in a situational interview?

The correct answer is A) "Consider a time when you were faced with an angry client. What did you do to turn the situation around?"


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