A nurse is planning to obtain a urinary specimen from a clients closed urinary system

ATIQuestions:UrinaryCatheter Care

1.Anurseis assessingapatients indwellingurinarycatheterdrainage attheend ofthe

shiftandnotes theoutputis considerablyless thanthefluid intake. Which ofthe

followingactionsshould the nursetakefirst?

a.Irrigatethe catheter

i.Ifthecatheteris blocked,theprovidermighthaveto prescribecatheter

irrigation; however,this is notthefirstactionthe nurseshouldtake.

b.Assess for peripheraledema

i.Assessingthe extremities forperipheraledemais an appropriateaction,

butitis notthefirst actionthenurseshould take.

c.Palpate forbladderdistention

i.Palpatingthe bladderfordistention isan appropriateaction,butitis not

the firstaction thenurseshould take.

d.Check thecatheterforkinks

i.Outputthat is considerablyless than intakeis a signthatthecatheteris

blocked. Thefirstactionthenurseshould takeis to checkthetubingfor

kinksandensure theclient'surineflowis not obstructed.

2.When providingperineal careforafemalepatientwhohas an indwellingurinary

catheter,which of thefollowingareas should thenursecleanse last?


i.The urethralmeatus is thefirstareathe nurseshould cleansewhen giving

perineal care.


i.Cleansing theperineumlastwould violateabasic principleofasepsis.


i. Cleansingtheperineumlastwould violateabasicprincipleofasepsis.

d. Theanus

i.Thebasicasepticprinciple applicabletoperinealcareis to cleansefrom

theareaofleast contamination totheareathatis the most

contaminated.Theanalareais typicallycontaminated with coliform

bacteriaandshould becleansed last.

When collecting a urine specimen from an indwelling catheter What actions should the nurse take?

Wipe the port with an alcohol swab or agency specified antiseptic..
Attach a syringe to the collection port of the indwelling catheter..
Withdraw 3 to 30 ml of urine..
Transfer the urine to a sterile specimen container..
Transport the specimen to the lab..

Which instruction should be provided to the patient before inserting a urinary drainage catheter?

1. Perform hand hygiene immediately before (and after) insertion; 2. Use appropriate antiseptic or sterile solution for peri-urethral cleaning, remove gloves and perform hand hygiene after peri-urethral cleaning and prior to insertion 3.

Which steps should a nurse follow to insert a straight urinary catheter quizlet?

Which steps should the nurse follow to insert a straight urinary catheter? Prepare the client and the equipment, create a sterile field, put on gloves, clean the urinary meatus, and insert the catheter until urine flows.


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