A nurse in an emergency department is caring for a client who reports vomiting and diarrhea

  • Related Pathway
  • Gastroenteritis/Dehydration, Inpatient
  • Related Video
  • How to Treat Dehydration from Stomach Bugs in Children

ED Nursing Pathway Standing Orders: Gastroenteritis/Dehydration


  • Preferred method very successful in treating healthy children with GE/dehydration.
    • Children with no/mild dehydration can be discharged home after ORT education.
    • Provide 1-2 mL/kg, max 30 mL every
      5 minutes.
    • Differs from PO challenge which is offering ad lib fluids.
  • ORT Instructions for the Medical Team
  • Instructions for the Family
  • ORT Record Sheet
  • How to Treat Dehydration from Stomach Bugs in Children


  • > 1 emesis after Ondansetron
  • Refusal to take from syringe/cup for
    > 30 minutes


  • Defined as glucose < 70 in all ages
  • Give 2mL/kg of D10W
  • Start glucose containing maintenance fluids immediately
  • Recheck glucose in 30 minutes

Weight (kgs)PO Ondansetron
Dose (mgs)
8-15 2
> 15-30 4
> 30 8

Consider PO Ondansetron if any emesis within the preceding 4 hours. Children less than 6 months and/or 8 kg, consult Attending Physician

Relative Contraindications with Ondansetron

  • Frontline Ordering Clinician (FLOC) Team Rapid Assessment
  • Mental status, vital signs
  • History & physical exam
  • Dehydration Assessment Tools
  • Consider POC glucose, BOHB if suspected moderate/severe dehydration

Significant Hypoglycemia
straight to IV Rehydration

Minimal/Mild Dehydration

  • Consider Ondansetron
  • Nursing discharge teaching
  • Give instruction sheet
    to family
  • Provide oral syringes, medicine cup
  • ORT video

Moderate Dehydration

BOHB < 3

BOHB > 3

  • Consider Ondansetron
  • RN Plays ORT video
    Provides ORT Record Sheet, syringe
  • Initiate ORT 20 minutes after Ondansetron
  • Assess PO intake 1 hour after Ondansetron

ORT Success

ORT Failure

IV Rehydration

  • Basic Metabolic Profile
  • Treat hypoglycemia with 2 mL/kg of D10W
    • Recheck glucose every 30 mins until normal
  • NS 20 mL/kg IV
  • Consider D5NS 20 mL/kg over 60 min to assist in ketone clearance
  • Start glucose containing maintenance fluids if initially hypoglycemic
  • ORT vs admission

Vital Signs, Clinical Appearance, Ongoing Losses

  • Dehydration mild of resolved
  • ORT Teaching
  • Discharge to continue ORT at home
  • Have family review
    Oral Rehydration Video

  • Considerations for admission:
  • ORT failure
  • Hypoglycemia and/or significant electrolyte abnormalities
  • Continue need for IV Rehydration
  • Medical condition requiring inpatient care

Severe Dehydration

Posted: August 2007
Revised: June 2022
Authors: M. Joffe, MD; M. Blackstone, MD; J. Lavelle, MD; D. Hoser-Glatts, RN

Red Flag Exclusion Criteria

  • Child at risk of significant harm

  • Suspected non-accidental injury

  • Unplanned repeat ED presentation

  • Child ≤ 2 years

  • Adult ≥ 65 years

  • Hydration status in adults assessed as moderate (≥ 5%) or severe (≥ 10%) dehydration

  • Children assessed as having mild (3%) dehydration who have failed Trial of Oral Fluid

  • Blood in vomit or stool

  • Green in vomit

  • Vomiting without diarrhoea

  • Abdominal tenderness or distension

  • Increasing / worsening abdominal pain

  • Diabetes

  • Immunocompromised

  • Altered level of consciousness / agitation

  • History of workplace injury

  • Yellow or Red Zones observations or additional criteria outlined in the NSW Health Standard Observations Charts

Additional Observations

  1. Assess hydration status including

  • Urine output

  • Mucous membranes

  • Thirst

  • Skin turgor

  • Capillary refill

  1. Blood glucose level

  2. Obtain MSU and complete urinalysis if positive leucocytes or nitrites send for MCS as per local protocols

  3. Consider obtaining a stool sample & send for MCS & OCS as per local protocols

  4. Commence fluid balance chart

Additional History

Social / infectious contacts history

Management Principles

  1. Gastroenteritis clinical practice guidelines (paediatric or adult) should be used in conjunction with this NMG

  2. Commence trial of fluids using a recommended oral rehydration solution (ORS) e.g. Gastrolyte® or Hydralyte™ as per Standing Orders

  3. Consider administration of an antiemetic as per Standing Orders

Ondansetron 4mg tablet / wafer


For adult patients ≥ 20 years only, administer metoclopramide with the following considerations:

  • Tablet: if patient has not vomited in the past hour and is tolerating small frequent amounts of oral fluid

  • Parenteral: if patient is currently vomiting and unable to tolerate small amounts of oral fluid

  1. Document assessment findings, interventions, investigations and outcomes

References / Further Resources

  1. Patient Factsheet - Diarrhoea and Vomiting

  2. NSW Health (2014) Infants and children: Management of Acute Gastroenteritis (4th Ed.) NSW Kids and Families, Sydney

  3. NSW Ministry of Health (2012) Gastroenteritis in an institution: Control Guideline for Public Health Units, NSW Ministry of Health, Sydney

  4. Furyk, J.S,. Meek, R.A., Egerton-Warburton D. (2015) Medicines in the treatment of emergency department nausea and vomiting. The Cochrane Collaboration, London.


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